
I specifically emerged from lurkerdom to ask: are you serious?
1. "Africa" is not a theme. It's a continent with lots of different countries. Nobody would have a "North America" themed baby room.
2. " Africa" is not a "place he proposed"—he proposed in a particular country and city.
3. He is not directly responsible for

Unless he proposed to her in 55 different countries, he proposed someplace vastly more specific than "Africa." Conflating the African bush with all of the continent is deeply problematic and ahistorical. I don't care if he wants to decorate his baby's room with hippos and bushes, but I do care that when he says

I guess all those Hatians speaking patois French are simply a bunch of appropriators?

I really hate when people trot out this whole why can't we all just get along rhetoric. You make it seem as if whites and blacks hold the same economic, social, and political power, and the problem is we just can't get along. No. Nope. Sorry. Go home. This is about having no resources, oppression, being dehumanized,

So what you're saying is that you're white.

I think the problem with Choice Feminism isn't that those choices don't have any actual real-world ramifications for women that are tied up with patriarchy and misogyny but that Choice Feminism narrows the gaze to issues like lipstick and high heels and bras and "empowerment" issues, rather than focusing on the

Being a feminist can be exhausting. I completely get that 7th grade teacher feeling, even with people I love. My husband, while normally a feminist, if not a particularly active one, doesn't really get it. It's like he thinks I'm making things up just to make it ("it" being society or being a woman or whatever I'm

I am really bothered by the false equivalency this article makes of Martin's "phobic misreading" of the man following him late at night and Zimmerman's "phobic misreading" of Martin.

What Zimmerman did to make Martin suspicious of him: Zimmerman trailed Martin from his car, late at night. When Martin tried to get away

I'm not sure that I understand your point. You're saying that the media is following the proceedings of this story so closely because it makes them money. Which I get and is true to a point. But you're also saying that they're shilling out this simplified version of the truth that's easier for the masses to follow,

Here's a link right back at cha'