The problem is everytime someone tries, sites like this write giant articles about how “Men are trying to take power away from *real* victims of sexual assault” and then accuse them of being sexist MRA sympathizers.
The problem is everytime someone tries, sites like this write giant articles about how “Men are trying to take power away from *real* victims of sexual assault” and then accuse them of being sexist MRA sympathizers.
What have we actually done to help black women in your opinion? I mean god damn! Your saying black women were just pushed to the side...Maybe because we were taking bullets and lynching for you! black women complain that black men have never protected them, and now your saying we push black women aside, so we can…
I think all of the criticisms of Pelosi are valid (or at least have some merit) except for one: Talking/Working with Trump. That’s her job. Activists, lay-citizens and pundits can hate and scream #neverTrump or whatever all day long but Pelosi, as a member of Congress has to engage with him in some way. I wish she…
Ugh. Shut up.
There’s making your voice heard by continuing to apply pressure to your reps whenever possible (good!) and there’s shooting yourself in the proverbial dick because you’re upset the house minority leader didn’t...singlehandedly pass a bill that was exactly what you wanted...during a recess (bad!)? What exactly are they…
Especially out in California. In California “dude” is a gender neutral because NO ONE out here uses “dudette” - I had someone point this out to me when I was living on the east coast for a few years and it was realized just how often Californians actually do use the word “dude” over the rest of the country. Women use…
Why does your sexual orientation need to be part of your work life? It shouldn’t define you as a person, for one thing, and it shouldn’t be a topic of conversation at work. Do your job, go home, get paid. Period.
Being from Southern California, I love “dude”, but you really run the risk of making women (especially trans women) uncomfortable (at best). It’s best to reserve it for people who you know are okay with it (same thing with addressing a group of people as “guys”).