
Bronfman quit her career as an equestrian...” Oh I get it, when you’re an heiress, “hobbies” are “careers right?

Well, she probably didn’t get to have her own slave before, so she might see that as a positive.

Welp. If that isn’t weirdo behavior I don’t know what is! Let’s hope someone confiscates that man’s phone soon. [Page Six]

He is not popular. Not even with his base. But we keep running crappy Democrats whose economic platform is essentially Republican Lite. Kentuckians actually like things like funding schools and unions but they don’t like abortion and love guns. So if the Democratic Party wants to win they are going to have to give

His ‘hairdressing needs’ are just so much more convoluted than highlights and a blow dry. It extends past weaves and extensions into a mysterious place of complicated engineering. Whoever constructs his hair is probably more valuable to him than anybody in government or on his staff.

Her brothers will never be able to run for office. I live in Kentucky and even Republicans here think his sons are a joke. Donnie Jr. came to help the former Republican governor win (and he didn’t lol) and like not even 50 people showed up. However, people here do like her. 

And makes you vulnerable to bribery, bigly.

Hopefully, the fallout from this investigation hits Ivanka hard enough that she will go to prison. See also - Brothers Trump(not including Barron)

I doubt it. America isn't known for holding wealthy, skinny, bottle blonde women accountable for their actions.

I hope that the fallout from this investigation hits Ivanka hard enough that she will never be able to run for public office.  Sam with her brothers.  They’ll probably always be grifters, but they should all be prevented from holding public office.

Remember that during the 2016 campaign, the (original) kids bragged about how they made fake arrowheads and sold them to their friends as relics. This is fraud, but they bragged about it as proof of their entrepreneurial prowess. lying, stealing, and general dirtbaggery is baked into the DNA. 

So, is this like a new 5th horseman of the apocalypse sign or something? If a Kardashian isn’t on TV constantly, does vocal fry become a lost language? How will people know what nose to order off the menu?  So many questions...

bUt MAh fReEduMZZZ!

Hey, this is America. We can be stupid in LOTS of different ways at the same time!

Couldn’t this also be an indictment on the stupid cost of medicine in the US?  I mean the people that went to Sturgis deserve every bit of illness and vitriol they have coming, but $46,000 per case?  The whole thing is stupid, from beginning to end.

And Pelosi is her first customer in 7 months? Suuuuure. Everyone knows that stylists have been working on the DL for months (and some of them are collecting unemployment too).

I want to add something to my previous comments. The article says that the footage was “leaked by the angry shop-owner.”

Projection, deflection and stupidity is the republican mantra.

I saw Katy Perry eyes too. 👀 

I thought she was Katy Perry when I first saw this photo, and was like “Oh, she’s doing that gross shit again, surprise surprise *eye roll*”

Adele, how embarrassing. I thought you were OK!