
I’m actually impressed? I expected a cutesy insta announcement whenever baby Daisy arrived, but I did not anticipate a charitable foundation with Unicef. That’s pretty cool of them.

Are you all still clapping?

Really? That crown has been Taylor Swift’s for a decade. Endless albums, music videos, and what not devoted to the death of love because a three month relationship ended.

Eh, the right brand of high maintenance can appeal to anybody in the right circumstances, and the drama that ensues can be exciting. This is why NOBODY should marry someone they haven’t:

Johnny is a sweet guy who had a substance abuse problem probably stemming from his abuse when a child. He always acted artisy and agensty. and got caught up in that lifestyle with muscians. But I find it hard to believe Johnny Depp could hurt a fly, he is not violent all his ex’s say he never was violent with them,

Pretty much everything is “Amber told me”. Other than her sister saying she witnessed Depp attacking Heard. Her account doesnt make sense to me for a few reasons. Most notable is Depp wearing a cast at the time and the damage that wouldve caused would be extensive.

The tone of the articles on this here are bizarre. Is it possible that Depp abused Heard? Sure. Is Heard also on tape admitting to hitting Depp and telling him no one would believe him? Yes. Has Heard been accused of domestic violence by former partners? Yes.

Whitney is the only witness of Amber to claim she saw Depp be violent towards Amber. Its the staircase attack. The claim is Johnny grabbed Amber with one hand by the hair then punched her with the other. This is also the “first time” Amber claimed she hit him. The problem with this story is Depps right hand was in a

Amber probably warned her that snitches get stitches. 

Heard’s acting coach Kristina Sexton testified via video call, saying that Heard told her Depp would rather “destroy” Heard than file for divorce, Page Six reports. Sexton said Heard was “embarrassed” but “had to leave him.” Sexton also provided a written statement in reference to the alleged “three-day hostage

I don’t know if a lawyer would be able to help her- like you said she can’t help herself from acting this way. In true narcissistic fashion, she thinks she is smarter than everyone else and that she can charm everyone and pull the wool over everyone’s eyes. As JD said to her in one of their last recorded conversations

And shes still trying to portray herself as a passive weak victim of a tyrannical Depp. I think people have at least listened to portions of the audios but still try to make it fit into Ambers narrative. Even as it obliterates her version. Its baffling to me tbh

Oh yes, I agree. Narcissistic and Borderline personality traits all the way. The audio recordings paint a shocking picture of the dynamics in the relationship: she belittles him, berates him, gets mad at him for walking away from confrontations, tells him to take a xanax when he starts defending himself, admits to

And she says HE is the one that went on a media campaign against her. The first time he said anything was in GQ or Rolling Stone, almost 2 years after the allegations were made. Very shortly after their divorce settlement was announced she did a video for Girl Gaze talking about being a survivor. Shes given numerous

Totally agree. And even if there was mutual abuse, only one party decided to go on a media campaign and air their dirty laundry for clout. It’s backfiring badly on her at this point though.

To me, the “mutual abuse” take is a complete cop out. Primarily when you consider just how much Amber has floundered on the stand and how her evidence cant stand up to scrutiny. Literally everyone is wrong except for Amber, according to Amber and she cant admit to a single thing. She cant even admit she threw up in a

Oh, I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I’ve been out of journalism for a few years, but the nature of this reporting is so unbelievably biased.

I’m totally baffled at the complete disregard for the fact that she was abusive as well.
They had a very, very toxic relationship, one they are BOTH responsible for.

I have to ask... Where were the articles about Amber Heard’s abuse? Her text messages confirming she abused him, the depositions of Depp’s former partners who all stated he never hit them.

I’m terribly sorry to hear that, and I, too, wish you could take the time you need to rebuild your life while summering at your Hamptons retreat. Best luck to you.