
I am literally in that exact same situation right now. 6 days ago, my husband kicked me out of our home, took my keys, threw my things out, and now I’m sleeping on my mother’s couch, jobless and homeless. I’d give anything to have the option to live out this divorce in a rental house in the Hamptons.

Her ex-husband sounds like a piece of work, just because other people have it worse doesn’t mean I am incapable of feeling any sympathy for her.

Yeah, I might be sympathetic if her alternative was “live in a car/on the streets/end up in a shelter”, but this is filed to I have no fucks to give about the rich.

My first thoughts honestly weren’t about money at all - I think forcing her to deal with a big move in the midst of a pandemic, with very little notice and in the middle of the one of the worst-hit cities, is the really sinister part.

Good on her though for recognizing her privilege and donating $1 million to trying to close the gap somehow.

I think the thing I was most unprepared for in early middle age was all the heartthrobs of my youth impregnating women 8-15 years younger than them.  

She talks about how it’s unfair in her post.

I’ve created a burner just to confess that I had a huge crush on Fauci when I was in my early 20s and he was in his 60s and I was a lowly NIH intern in Bethesda.

If they had any damned sense, which isn’t a Democrat specialty.

I want to study her and understand how someone winds up with these opinions.

The one about how if she were a man, she’d insist on having women sign a consent form before sex - it’s maddening. It assumes there’s no such thing as revoking consent, no such thing as an encounter starting out consensual and then turning

You respect that she is a racist? Wow... ok.

Thanks for making it clear to us you are a racist hate monger.

She is spewing hate, that’s it, that is all she’s doing. Any redeeming qualities she might have are drowned out by the vile nature of her beliefs.

Well, she earned that award, that’s for sure. Rarely have I seen a bigger CUNT.

Is it just me, or is the implication behind “joins the 21st century” that somehow android was behind on something? They have been trying to push this for years.

No, it won’t stop people from idiotically blaming their friends for tech problems that Apple created. Nothing will ever fix that. 

If you have to turn it on, it’s already failed.

Cocaine’s a hell of a drug...

Porn. It’s from porn. Japanese animated porn but still porn.

I don’t have kids, thank goodness.