
Pete Davidson does strike me a dingus who is worthy of mockery, but I wonder if him moving back home as something to do with his mental health issues. His family and him might feel it is not a good idea for him to be on his own at this time. 

A slip that is weirdly twisting.

“But did it need to be brought up in front of everyone, in the most negative possible way?”

The problem is that none of that matters because there’s an army of dead soldiers marching on Winterfell.

Lyanna Mormont should slap some sense into both of them. 

“What do dragons eat, anyway?”

I actually, for the short term, am a bit of a socialist, but not economically

Can’t wait for the Battle of Winterfell when Dee is suppose to be playing a slaughtered commoner but she keeps repositioning herself to look directly at the camera.

He should read Reddit or Youtube comments, will make those critic reviews look fantastic.

Honestly I’m into it. Thank goodness he’s 20.

Eh, I don’t blame Kit for being mad. The dude catches a lot of flack for his acting, but to be honest, I’ve always found that he does the best he can with the writing he’s given, and I’m sure he’s giving the performances he’s being directed to give. The problem is that the writers don’t really know how to make his

That was the dessert!

Nah, best moment was Bronn’s reaction to that.

No one talking about the best moment:

What about Lady Mormont tho? *not actual screen capture or dialogue but here’s the gist of it

Yes jokes are mean’t to be taken seriously! Internet humor is serious business

Exactly. It’s not as if we haven’t been reminded time and again that Bran is the Three-Eyed Raven now. And yet so many people either don’t know or don’t remember. Paying attention to detail is apparently too much to ask.

Well, yeah, where do you think the 3rd eye is gonna go?

That isn’t a smug, creepy face. That’s the face of someone who left his humanity behind a long, long time ago.

Honestly, I’d be surprised if Bran has anything vengeful to say to Jaime about him pushing him from the window. He has made it apparent throughout the past few seasons that he is the Three-Eyed Raven, and therefore not quite as “Bran” as he used to be. In that sense, what Jaime did to Bran may not be all that personall