
For real. Robert Kardashian being famous for being a piece of shit aside, the only reason the Kardashian-Jenner hellspawn got press in the first place was because Kim was Paris Hilton’s “stylist” (I gagged just typing that out) who made a sex tape with a d-list rapper and somehow (read: money and connections) parlayed

Good to know. 

Well then, you told me!  Well done!

OK, her step-father, or before she was born step-father, or whatever.  The lineage of the money remains the same. 

Related: I loved the whole “I didn’t inherit my wealth” as her defense of being “self-made”. Honey, no one said you inherited it, but we reserve the right to say that your empire was built on your father’s notariety defending a murderer, and your sister’s subsequent sex tape.

Why buy ColourPop when you can get Kylie’s stuff for triple the price?

Believe me, I’ve spent plenty of money on useless shit in my life. It just seems like you’d have to sell a huge number of kits, in an already crowded and competitive market, to reach billionaire status. What makes her product any better than the others? Not much I’ll bet. I assume it’s the social media influence, and s

Your comment reminded me of this adorable comic:

“You made these? You’re the oldest-looking Make A Wish kid I’ve ever seen.”

Yeah, seems like if her parents had wanted to keep all this secret from her (as apparently some of the parents did), they wouldn’t have cc’d her in on the damning emails. So it seems likely, especially given that she posed for the rowing pic, that she knew there was some chicanery going on.

devil’s advocate: what 19 year old reads emails from their mother?

I liked how the moment Giannis stands up, all the normal-sized humans around him kinda back off like he’d just tapped on the glass of their fish tank.

This will leave the Regressives in Oklahoma so conflicted.

If you’re going to complain about somebody’s grammar at least use an oxford comma. Come on, Patent Office.

Apple Invents Cable Television.

Because having the *independent* media relying on a major corporation for their survival is the exact opposite of INDEPENDENT media.  Take a look around the web and you can see how far Apple has already affected discourse solely with their advertising dollars.  The media needs to be independent and been fully under

His full quote is better (from the linked WaPo article):

Ridiculous. No Victorian woman would do her grocery shopping in her nightgown.

$1000 may seem like a lot of money, but horses are crazy expensive to take care of, which can be a bit of a night-mare. I thorough(bred)ly applaud anyone willing and able to support this, but whoever does is really going to have to pony-up. But don’t race in and make a rash decision, just hold your horses and think on

This looks amazing. Love the designs and the art style.