
Beyond the fact that I was entirely entertained, I know that I thought about the movie longer than I normally think about movies afterwards. To me, I’d count that as a success.

I also wonder if the suicides of the Parkland survivors might have triggered something for him. There is some evidence that suicide is “catching” (for lack of a better word), especially among people who share a common experience, like they do with gun violence. It seems relevant that this occurred right after two

i’m not surprised that after almost a decade of death threats and harassment from insane conspiracy theorists that one of the targets of them decided to kill themselves. and those pieces of shit will use this to say that he was going to come out as a crisis actor and the government had him killed. alex jones should be

If you hand wash that stuff, it’s going to be about as flexible as wood.

Gwyneth’s ongoing midlife crisis has gotten very tiresome. 

I don’t completely agree with you, but you do have a valid point. The Washington Post had a great article about how one victim’s mom initially said no to overnight visits but eventually relented because MJ bought her a house (or some other big gift? I can’t remember) and groomed her as well with attention and gifts

Yeah not surprised either and to some extent it’s definitely a generational thing.

I’m honestly not too surprised over Streisand’s comments. She, like my parents, probably believe that all rapists hide in dark alleys at night and strike at random and all pedophiles are complete strangers who wear trenchcoats and sniff bicycle seats. A sexual predator is never someone you know, but if it is, then

Welp. That's it then. The worst take I've read on child sexual abuse.

Yeah the only way to tell a story about this band that does not depict them treating women horribly is to not tell a story.  

We are talking about a band whose lead singer put his dick in a breakfast burrito so his girlfriend wouldn’t “smell the groupie on him.” They’re fucking animals. I see no reason to watch anything about them.

frida......... bite me.

My partner used to live next to a family that a big dog, I think a lab, in a small apartment, which they never freaking walked. It used to bark all the time, it was really upsetting, to the point that my partner and his housemates offered to bloody walk it all the time.

Oh my god that sounds awful. I live above a restaurant and one time I heard a dog whining for what felt like an hour. It also started freaking out my dog despite all my windows being locked shut. I called downstairs and some guests at the restaurant just didn’t want to eat outside on the patio so they tied their dog

THIS. My neighbor is a good dog owner who has a lovely and sweet doberman that started experiencing crazy anxiety when his schedule changed. We’re talking howling and howling and howling and howling and howling for 8-10 hours straight. I work from home and I couldn’t get a damn thing done. I started to feel very real

Seconded as someone who has two dogs that sometimes bark but whom we immediately bring inside when they do. Because we aren’t asshole neighbors and don’t neglect our dogs. 

Happy, healthy, and well treated dogs don’t constantly bark.

Great, so now we’ve just confirmed that needy, angsty drama queens are world-wide.  What else is new.

I guess each country has different standards for “Goth”