
“What’s to stop a government from banning videos of police brutality, for example?”


posting the video only emboldens or encourages copycats to act on their own plans. While I agree no bail is weird, I don’t think what he is being tried for is simply “sharing a video”. It is as they describe his crimes: distributing the video and inciting violence.

“What’s the answer to the first question?”

Either you didn’t read the article or skipped the part where he shared “target aquired” and made violent threats in a chat.

There’s an edit of this movie poster going around Reddit with Leo’s head replaced by Bojack’s, and Brad’s by Mr. Peanutbutter.  Brad makes an extremely convincing Mr. Peanutbutter. 

oh, come on. it was a consensual relationship. she was very much into him. it was not sexual abuse.

And that’s the problem. She tried to move on and do something different, but she couldn’t because that’s what she was known for. He continued to be very successful on the speaking circuit and still polled well with women. He got to have a life. She didn't.

So we’re supposed to be mad at Chelsea Clinton why exactly? These students just went up to a stranger and blamed her for 49 deaths based on nothing, at best they are unbelievably rude.

I don’t want you to get sticked or nothing.

However, it’s insane to try to sue, saying your child was specifically kept out by someone else buying their child’s way in.

Thank you. Not everyone deserves or is meant to go to college. My weed smoking, bush partying, never studying former classmates don’t deserve a spot for just existing any more than these rich, cheating assholes’ weed smoking, partying, hating school children deserved it. 

Outside of the actual sue amount, I think a lot of people are looking at this from the wrong angle.

Or bummed that their son worked hard to qualify for a prestigious school only to find out someone cheated their way in...

You gotta think of this on a large scale though. How many qualified applicants who literally fought for years, decades, spent how much money, accomplished countless goals only to have someone cheat their way into the system.

Not earning a spot because you didnt qualify is one thing, not earning a spot because it was

It was supposed to go to someone else. Who cares who it was. I applaud the lawsuit.

Lol it’s a top 50 university but ok... Must have missed the /s

I hope it humiliates the offenders. I'm sure they're banking on acting like these were victimless crimes. I hope when they make their PR firm-arranged comeback interviews, the interviewer talks about the victims of their crimes.

but is she wrong? she sounds insufferable, but is she wrong? how do we know that her son didn’t get in because little livvie jade took his spot? or took spots from any number of other people?

You're not wrong, but I'm not sorry this lawsuit is happening either. It won't go anywhere, I'm sure, but I don't care.