
Donald Trump literally threatened violence against his political opponents yesterday.  Fuck off, trumpist.

I hate that the media is tying Trump into this because the guy... [EXPLICITLY REFERENCED DONALD TRUMP AS A SYMBOL OF ‘RENEWED WHITE IDENTITY’]”

#thankstrump for emboldening all these murderous dipshits to crawl out of their caves and share their ignorance and sociopathy with the world. This must be the greatness we were promised.

The. President. Of. The. United. States. Of. America. Tweeted. Brietbart.

Yes it’s a real mystery why violent racists would look up to a racist president who calls for violence against his opponents on a regular basis. I am struggling to find a direct connection myself. 

This many (three times ago). He tweeted Breitbart, ffs.

i read today that he didn’t even go!! LOL he used his dads money (sent to him thinking it was going twds USC tuition) so he could start his clothing company and he fudged fake marks so his dad wouldn’t catch on!!

I think the idea that in America anyone can grow up to become president has really come back to bite us in the ass.

Just more evidence that being rich won’t stop you from succeeding no matter how stupid you are. You can even become President of the United States. The last republican president and the present one are literally idiots.

Call me old-fashioned, but I find the word ‘influencer’ to be unnecessary when we already had the word ‘shill’, which was a perfectly good word for the exact same thing.

Olivia used her Crew experience to get back from the yacht as soon as she heard of her moms arrest.

Nope. Which is why this scandal will be a plus for her in the long run. When you make money off being famous getting more attention is only a good thing. We’ve seen this path walked before. It was forged by Paris Hilton and then paved with gold by the Kardashians. I wouldn’t be surprised if Olivia Jade gets an E

did anyone else not know who these two people were before these headlines?

just me?

$500K non-cash bail they’re back in the house by now uncorking some chardonnay to drive the blues away while the lawyer vultures circle overhead.

Was in my 20s when it happened, must echo others saying it seemed reduced to a punchline or joke back then. I have no recollection of hearing or reading that she’d been abused, or even that she’d “claimed” (as they probably would have put it) to have been. The overarching theme was definitely CRAZY BITCH!

It was well done and becomes a very difficult watch. First, because as the evidence of his abuse builds up, cutting to him in his living room in the present day lying, blaming her...and then you get to her trial and hear her testimony in which she is clearly traumatized...and there’s this one juror who STILL thinks

More than half of murder victims in 2017 were killed by their partners or family members, leading the U.N. to conclude that the most dangerous place for women to be is in their own home.”

On one had, cutting off someone’s genitalia is horrifying. On the other hand, that’s just about the perfect punishment for a monster rapist.

Same here. Amazing how things get stripped away like that. A case from the “good old days” - where the world was just starting to come to terms with the idea that consent isn’t implied at all times in marriage.