
I know that he donated to her campaign a while ago, it feels like trolling in the weirdest fucking way.

Jesus, so much evil in that man, and only 20 years old. I hope Ayala gets all the help she needs, medical and otherwise.

Anyone else wish we could go back in time and sat a big fat NO to social media?

Anyone else wish we could go back in time and sat a big fat NO to social media?

It’s only a reach if you’re ignorant about the details of this story.

Did you seriously just “Well, boys will be boys,” this?

Piece of shit had it coming.

And women breathe a little easier. One down.

Live by violence, die by violence. It’s unfortunate that someone so young suffered this fate, but if the allegations against him were to be believed (I believe them), he just might have had it coming.

Wow, that was an easy off...

Man, I was already so fed up with bad news and then I saw this headline and was like, “Okay! Enough already! Sheesh! I’ve never heard of this person but I get it—everything SUCKS!”

Fun fact! The United States of America is the only member of the United Nations to have refused to ratify the United Nations Convention On The Rights Of The Child! The USA wants to not ratify it, as far as I can tell, as it wants to continue to practice state-sanctioned murder of children (minors tried as an adult can

I misread the headline and thought the customer had asked someone to spit in his burger. Like some kind of kink thing.

There is definitely more to this story than Mays is telling. While the whole food spitting thing is way beyond the pale (and really should be charged as some kind of assault), even the most bitter and jaded servers don’t just make a habit of arbitrarily asking cooks to spit in food. Someone needs to find the fired

Hey - our cops state all of those fucking things every time this happens here (I’m in Melb myself). The fact of the matter is, if someone wants to hurt you, they will find a way. Until society changes - which let’s face it, looking at America and your trash president, it won’t - it’s a fact that we, as women, have to

Managed to defy my low battery:

Jesus Christ.. he isn’t blaming her.. He is reminding everyone that you need to be aware what is going on around you. Situational awareness is important for everyone. The Police know that many would see the story and took the opportunity to remind all y’all of that..

They can’t, Instagram took their souls.

OMG I forgot that he was absent as well. Degrassi’s resident bad boi but also soft boi 😪

What happened to Sean tho?