
My parents knew each other for two weeks before they got married. They were married for 66 years.

I know it’s assault, but sometimes you have to take a stand. someone should have kicked his fucking teeth in. When I was younger me and my moms were homeless for a few months, the mental toll it takes on you is staggering and the fact you have nothing to look forward to. White people in this fucking country are

oooh that’s diabolical!

“I brought you into this world and I can take you out.”

Honestly; as a depressed person who has tried to kill themselves more than once I don’t find the show anywhere near as bad as everyone else makes it out to be. People don’t likethe topics the show discusses bc our society refuses to accept those topics. “Lets not talk about suicide at all in any form” isnt an

It’s a good tv series, but nowhere near as controversial as you make it out to be. The only shocking thing is how much pearl-clutching this triggers on Jezebel.

Has anyone pointed out yet that Ariana Grande and Skinny Whatshisface look like the baby version of JLo and Marc Anthony?

My mother’s family was from south central Mississippi, and we spent most summers there when I was a kid. The heat was a tangible, manifest thing, a stifling blanket that engulfed you body and mind in suffering and sweat. This was in the ‘50s when air conditioning was unknown there; only one aunt had a window unit, but

They shouldn’t be harassing her. I do wish that storyline had been written better though—they made her character a touch annoying.

Let’s not pat her on the back too much for her “natural look”

Clay was the fucking WORST this season

Can we just take a moment to address how clay is the literal worst? He makes everything about him and I hated how the show rewarded that. “You’re so brave, Clay” says every character ever. What did he do that was brave (pre shooting bs)? Why is he moping bc she had sex with other people?

I watched both seasons, despite feeling the first season glamorized suicide as vengeance and never explained that Hannah made the wrong choice.

Do you think they’ll bring up Clay’s mental illness next season? I get that he’s grieving in the second season but dude has issues.

To those people who can’t stand the show maybe they shouldn’t watch it. Now there’s an idea. Maybe they should spend time talking with their kids about actual things instead of surface conversations that make them comfortable. Watching a show does not make someone kill themselves anymore than video games make people

Man, you can piss right the fuck off. What do YOU do to contribute to society and to help others? Social workers have a helluva hard job and get no glory for the work they do.

As a male victim of sexual assault, who had former friends beat me down and then violate me with a broom handle I am grateful that this is being openly discussed. I would not personally be able to watch this show and especially not that scene. However, it is somewhat heartening for me to see something that happened to

that is, a guy giving his wife a guitar, then the wife being awarded the guitar in the divorce settlement- there wouldn’t be any outcry at all.

“This needs to be made into a movie regardless.”

Frances let him keep it in exchange for not having to pay alimony. Pretty sweet deal for her financially, but I can see why Courtney’s pissed since she’s the one that likely has memories of Kurt playing the guitar. Kind of annoying how people keep acting like Silva stole it.

To be fair, this isn’t Florida Man doing something stupid. This is something stupid horrific happening to Florida Man. I’ll happily cut Florida Man some slack in this instance.