
I can't believe we didn't get to see Bronn react to the name Dickon.

The Hound's opinion of Thors topknot. #houndagainsthipsters.

I think Chase remains unaware of the cure and as Natalie is dead, Blaine and Major remain the only ones who've had it and Major wants to keep it that way. When Chase confronts him about being human he doesn't say again or anything that gives the impression he knows he become human again rather than believes he was

"Thanks" when Liv says Caddy was indiscriminate about her lovers.

I was sure someone would accidentally scratch Natalie or him.

Shit ya Chase is not going to be happy with Liv or Clive. Wonder if Basio will find out they knew where he was?

Yes I would like Peyton having a purposeful story next season. Well if Katty examined Patrice she would have discovered her being a zombie so I think this would make Filmore Graves actions more grey than Blaine's money grabbing motives. Also with Natalie dead Major is the only remnants of the cure besides whoever

Are they ever going to bring Liv's brother and mother back into it? That storyline was just dropped and they were in it from the beginning.

Not sure to characterise this as bad or not but the show nailed introducing Bruce and Darcy, I actually prefer Rogelio and Xiomara with them respectively. I don't want them back together.

I thought it was a great scene. My french friend has been in Ireland for 7 years but she still finds some of the idioms and speed people speak difficult.

"Witherspoon’s Madeline appears to be Election’s Tracy Flick all grown up" well that guarantees I'll watch the pilot.

Do you think she was or is in league with Moriarty as she wrote miss me? on the note. Or did create the Moriarty "Miss Me/" broadcast to begin with….

Jon Stewart did a section on it so it was reported but nowhere near as much as here,

Scott and Petra are feeding the twins in the background when jane talks to lena. This show thinks of everything.

We're in the Upside Down!

Ah I so loved this show once upon a time but this is just so blah.

Poor Shaggydog. Is Summer still alive? If Jon is gone before Sansa arrives I just give up on the Starks, their timing is hideous.

"I send my regards" - Ramsay Bolton, 2016. I would love if Sansa flayed Ramsay and Theon got to skin him first.

I'm thinking MIchael will be in a coma for a half season, and amnesia when he wakes. Sure these are over the top and over used plot point but Jane the Vrigin leans into it's over the topness. Oh just the thought of Rogelio handling Michael's grooming while he's in the coma <3

No there isn't only 5 Gryffindor boys in Harry's year, he shares a room with four other people. It says during the sorting ceremony that more than 40 kids are being sorted per year.