In the Flair Tonight

My uncle is actually a “picker” in this line of work, and if you do it with the right person it’s actually kind of fascinating. He can walk into any antique store or garage sale and tell you the age, manufacturer, and actual value of pretty much every item there.

A friend of a friend of mine had the Pickers visit her, and she said that all the deals are made up front by behind-the-scenes people, and all the prices are agreed upon.  Then the main guys show up on the day of shooting and they all pretend to haggle.  My rule of thumb is, if it’s on TV, it’s fake.

It’s the Discovery, Inc. media company. They’ve sucked the meaning out of nearly every educational show they can get their hands on: Discovery Channel, Science Channel, Animal Planet, TLC (The Learning Channel), Food Network, HGTV, Travel Channel.

I never cared for either of these guys or their show. They both come off as arrogant vultures and it’s not surprising they’re both sniping at each other.

American Fight Pickers, amirite?

Ever notice that the cable “education” channels that were touted as a market-driven replacement for PBS like History, Discovery, TLC. etc. have all turned in to homes for crappy reality shows, conspiracy theories and pseudoscience? I guess that pays better than boring old facts and science. 

She’s just going through a similiar public relations push to what Anne Hathaway, Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Stone, etc. went through before her. Blake’s mainly seems to be related to her relationship with her husband and her family.

Danskos and Chacos! I haven’t been able to wear cute shoes in years, and now I have 2 pairs of super sweet orthopedic sandals. 

I don’t think I’ve noticed too much of her in the news... but I’m not paying a ton of attention. My thought was, if your wife is in fact doing some of the writing, then why are you not asking for her to get actual credit? Step up for your wife, dude.

The finale airs on the 6th. Why would you guys publish plot details from an episode that hasn’t aired yet? That’s a little rude

Please watch Passing Strange, another phenomenal stage recording that Lee did and that imho is much stronger than Hamilton. My goodness? I could couldn’t with Hamilton! Woke BS.

I get the impression that Vin Diesel and Paul Walker were real friends, really in one another’s lives, and that Diesel truly felt (and feels) Walker’s death, and mourns him still. They were the top-billed co-stars in a franchise that spanned more than decade, so in a very real sense, they built this thing. I can

She had Brad Pitt in his prime and Justin Theroux in his prime. The woman’s husband game is impeccable *chef’s kiss*

It does feel like the dancing circus bear is finally able to speak for itself and confirm life has been just as awful as it looked. 

“during these proceedings, Jamie Spears has sold the family home and is currently living in an RV parked in a warehouse full of Britney Spears memorabilia in her hometown of Kentwood, Louisiana.”

Schwimmer seems like a pretty decent person. And, luke-warm take, he was pretty funny as Ross. Sure, Ross was an obnoxious and mostly terrible person. But, whether or not you liked his character, Schwimmer delivered from pretty solid comedic moments. Anytime I move a piece of furniture, I’m compelled to repeatedly yell

It’s inhumane, and the fact that she's been enduring this for years (a decade i think) is unconscionable. I hope she gets her justice, which is a normal life from what I've read- not much to ask for!

The forcing the IUD on her is what really killed me. That’s essentially forced sterilization (since they clearly have no plans to let her remove it), and regardless of whatever concerns someone might have about whether having another kid would be good for her mental health I thought we had agreed decades ago that


I hope that frog doesn’t get