In the Flair Tonight

All is not well in the home of Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott. [Us Weekly]

I don’t get the strong sense entitlement, the greed, the blatant selfishness, the controlling attitudes.

My job will have me start back flying to our various operations later this summer. Always hated flying to begin with, but this stuff right here... this has me dreading it.

Huh. Ashing into his palm has bumped my original non-opinion about Andy Richter up a notch.

60% of Americans have underlying or chronic mental or physical health disorders; that’s the majority of people. So except for medical conditions, medications, food deserts, lack of transportation, cost and access to healthy food, access to education about food consumption, time and cost of daily food preparation, time

Courtney Cox has said she really enjoyed “Fat Monica” because she could let loose and didn’t have to be so controlled. I found that incredibly sad.

With increasing outrage about non BIPOC playing people of color, able bodied actors playing disabled roles, trans people playing trans roles, autistic actors portraying autistic roles, I haven’t heard almost any discourse about having larger actors play roles for people who are larger in biopics or increasing

I also have a bone to pick with this section:

Fat jokes in general just need to go away. They are the tool of so many lazy writers and comedians.

But, there really was no purpose to the “Betty gets fat” storyline. It went nowhere and she looked silly in that fat suit. 

The problem with well-known skinny and buff actors in fat suits and intentional weight gain is that none of it is done well.

And don’t forget all the fat jokes they made at her expense when she was skinny too. The whole reason she became a chef was because of her weight and a man told her to.

Not only that, and I say this as a Friends superfan in general, they act constantly like she was morbidly "My 600-LB Life"-level obese (“Hurricane Gloria didn’t break the porch, MONICA did!”) and the best they could do with a fat suit to portray her is one that most wouldn’t even give her a second glance about

Does anyone remember that cringy trend of talkshow hosts being “brave” enough to sport fat suits in the real world? I vaguely remember Tyra crying because no one would help her at the makeup counter when she was in the body suit. Do you mean to tell me her stunning exposé did actually not solve the issue of weight

Anytime I read Sarah Paulson having an opinion about body representation my eyes roll right on out of my head. She and the whole Ryan Murphy gang make beaucoup bucks on perpetuating the idea that people with physical disabilities (being played by actors without these disabilities) belong in the horror genre.

Also surprised this wasn’t mentioned in the article! I have a sense that because the fat suit was used in so many episodes of a long-running show, its use was arguably more harmful than in a single film. They actively joked about how unlovable and disgusting she was, TO THE CHARACTER’S FACE, in direct comparison to ad

Yes, I agree. I think there is some nuance to actors transforming into characters even though Hazel made some excellent points. I don’t remember it totally, maybe watching it back today I wouldn’t like it so much, but as someone who was on the thinner side when I was younger and am now firmly on the fat side, I

While I too am flummoxed by his romantic success... I also don’t get the hate either. He’s fine. I saw his standup on Netflix, I actually liked it. He’s clearly not afraid to joke about himself, on his own terms, which is fair.

I can’t believe no one has mentioned “Fat Monica” from Friends yet.  We are supposed to laugh at Courtney Cox in a fat suit and see her as the butt of every joke.  Very traumatic for every teenage girl to watch!

blessed is GenX, for we lived the full idiocy of our youth with no video evidence to haunt us...