In the Flair Tonight

I’m more confused as to why these two are meeting the French president in the first place. 

Mr. Bieber’s outfit is largely fine

Retail and food service have always had terrible customer issues but I can’t count how many times over the past year I was at a Target or a grocery store or anyplace really and a customer lost their shit over something stupid. I saw a poor Target worker get screamed at by some insane shopper and tried to say something

People complaining that “no one wants to work” fail to realize that these are also bottom-of-the barrel jobs, jobs you work to pay your bills not because you want to. It’s just the cherry on top of the shit sundae that they also barely pay enough to keep a roof over your head.

It’s been a very very long time since most retail workers could actually make a living doing those jobs. Maybe people are finally getting tired of being treat like shit and having to scramble to get by.

Could it also be automation? In Toronto I’ve seen a dozen cashier lanes close and are replaced with self-checkouts at various retail outlets. I really wish this was more of an election issue but in the last Federal and Provincial elections here, no one spoke of this. Immigration gets this bad rap for taking

Where I live (a small town near Sedona) the regional economy is driven by tourism. The industry is suffering from a lack of employees eager to return to crappy, low paid hotel and restaurant jobs. The common complaint is "nobody wants to work!" Not so. They just don't want to work for *you*. Having spent years in the

Retail was the hardest, shittiest and lowest paid job I ever had.

Good. Their bosses and customers told them to get another job and now that they are the bosses and customers are pissed. That's great.

Until companies and managers start protecting their employees, and ditch the inaccurate and outdated model of “The customer is always right,” this is just the beginning. The years I spent working retail included being screamed at almost daily by people because Oprah’s latest promoted book had sold out within five

Breaking it down by genre (best performance in a drama, a comedy, etc) could allow more than one “best actor” award to be given out without any separation by gender.

Why not give awards based on the type of character?  Best portrayal of a male character, best portrayal of transgender.  You’d recognize the gender spectrum, without gendering the actor, and it would open things up and solve a lot of complications, like if Elliot Page were to portray a cisfemale character, you

Could be worse.

Fuck I love this movie. It’s probably my favourite to have come out in the past five years. I was lucky enough to see it in cinemas and I’ve probably rewatched three or four times since. It’s just awesome. 

Now playing

My favourite mid-80s awards show moment is Phil Collins sitting in the audience at the Academy Awards watching an absolutely stoned out of her mind Ann Reinking massacring Against All Odds (Take A Look at Me Now). 

First time someone has admitted to wanting to see a picture of Matt Gaetz

I cannot understand people actually liking Mayim. Her giggling is like nails on a chalkboard. It’s so distracting. My boyfriend and I notice it each and every time. When Tim was on this week, she even started saying his name as a giggle before he even said the answer! One of the answers was “sap” as in from a tree and

Ken was so boring and his voice is weak. I don't think Mayim Bialik's constant suppression of joyous laughter is a selling point.

Mayim Bialik is selling her own snake oil now, and using her scientific credentials to do it. She can fuck off to the moon as Dr. Oz.

I was unaware Mayim Bialik hosted cosplaying as a high school French teacher.