In the Flair Tonight

Exactly. Talk about a dumb take. Anyone who actually watched Mad Men would realise that hot take couldn’t be further from the truth. And if any dude who watched it took away that Don was some kind of hero, that would just tell me that particular dude isn’t very bright.

Joan’s body was basically its own character and the undergarments women tortured themselves with at the time were horrific and changed women’s bodies to meet the structural ideal of the time. Christina Hendricks is a talented and beautiful woman who became famous playing someone with a bangin’ body, that was not a

I don’t remember anyone lionizing Don Draper. He was an asshole. He did terrible things. Even when he tried to be good, he just couldn’t. But eventually we learned a little about his childhood, and what made him what he was.

I didn’t have an opinion about Ellie Kemper until yesterday when The Root (and then a few hours later the A.V. Club) broke this non-story. Unless we hear otherwise- like, as if she is a known racist troll or something demonstrative like that- I think it’s time to let this one go. As others have already said, she was

Agreed. They should wait until he’s at least 90.

Jesus Christ! Don’t get me started on all the stupid shit I said and did at 19! Some of it may even be spun as being racist when it was actually just utter ignorance and lack of thought. I think people forget how fucking hard of a transition time those last few years of being a teen are. Apparently, you’re capable of

Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.

I’m really confused here as if the parents wealth was never a secret, what is a real revelation here? That Kemper won a creepy sounding pageant when she was pretty young? Also yeah, she was 19 then, but apparently grew up in a sheltered environment and might not have been able to make certain connections about things

I would have watched the hell out of “Kate Winslet argues with Jean Smart and helps the elderly lady down the street catch a peeping tom.

Well we know the real killer might be moved into the jail with Erin’s father fairly soon.  If they could do something inside/outside the prison maybe?  I’ve also got another pitch: Untrue Detective: they don’t actually need another crime for Mare to solve, the show doesn’t have to be a procedural, it can

I mean....I understand being annoyed by a couple.

The biggest contrivance that I can’t square is, if Billy and John both know who really killed Erin, and if the whole point was to frame Billy for the murder, what the hell was the point of John getting Billy to say to him that he killed Erin?  It made no sense, because John didn’t need to hear it, because he knew it

She went up there and shot Tony Soprano.

Yeah, I didn’t find it a cheap twist at all, they’d been planting the seeds for a while and a lot of the general predictions about it included Ryan as a probable suspect.

All the Jess/Dylan stuff was a Red Herring mess.

Yeah, didn’t think it was a great ending. It kind of annoys me how people have to be “emmy award winning “ performance about any half way decent acting job. I thought Kate Winslet was good, don’t know if I’d go that far. Thought they went a little overboard trying to make things dramatic when it all ended up just


Man, is the Chinese gov’t thin-skinned. Thank God we’ve never had anyone leading our gov’t that couldn’t take a joke.

He was absolutely faultless on the Mary Tyler Moore Show, especially when he got to do more than recycle the same bickering lines with Ted or Sue Ann. My strongest memory is the one where Mary realized that he was in love with her. Such a sweet, delicate, sad performance. That show had such a superb cast, but was