In the Flair Tonight

Also, “Having to get emergency dental surgery the day you’re supposed to appear in a TV reunion special for a show that filmed when you were having well-documented substance abuse problems, causing you to slur your words and making people think you relapsed” is a CURB plotline, not a FRIENDS one. Come on, writers!

What the actual fuck?!?!?  This dude needs to be removed from society. 

I’d attend that gender reveal party.

How about we fire her out of a cannon? 

“what the fuck” doesn’t even begin to cover it.

How about they fire Meghan McCain instead because she’s a fucking Federalist troll now.

I stand by my original statement of yesterday. If Benniffer doesn’t go to the public gym, no one can talk about them making out, hence no publicity, which it seems Ms Lopez lives for.

I am reminded of a story harkening back to the days when Walt Disney was still alive. Disney, though he had a closet full of Oscars for his animated shorts and live action documentaries, had never gotten a “major oscar,” his features having been passed over or, in the case of Snow White, given an honorary award in

This was a pretty fucking stupid idea for a movie.

Now playing

Oh, c’mon. The Girl Who Takes Off Her Glasses trope is as old as glasses themselves. No offense to Ms. Cook, but she wasn’t even close to being the first. For example, Humphrey Bogart totally doesn’t notice that Dorothy Malone is supermodel gorgeous until she takes her glasses off in “The Big Sleep,” and that was in

Corey Stoll also played Hem.

You should never, ever underestimate the stupidity of people.

I would like a framed copy of this comment.

“I’ll say it again: If I ever meet Rand Paul’s neighbor I’m going to hug him and buy him as many drinks as he can consume.”

His music is a product of its era and did not suck at the time. It is an outdated sound that did not age well, but he is nowhere near the worst artist of that era.

Rand Paul is a joke, and a goddarn ugly one at that. It’s like, the meaner and more Trumpy he gets, the uglier he gets, too.

Aw, unnecessary smackdown to Mr. Marx. 

Like why are these people famous? Their style is terrible, shiplap is the worst,  they’re religious weirdos....Seriously, why???

Wait, is that photo current? Richard Marx is fucking beautiful. At 57. I’m in my mid 40s and I look like I escaped from somewhere.