In the Flair Tonight

These people really are either dumb as a box of rocks or just terrible people (or both?) and their continued success just confuses the hell out of me.

You mean all the barn doors and shiplap didn’t disgust her already?

She isn’t indigenous, despite her fashion sense and long black hair.

I’m waiting for “My sister isn’t racist — her sister-in-law is half Korean!”

The last time Chip was confronted about attending a church that hates gay people, his response was to get all exasperated and say something like, “GOSH why can’t we all get along? What difference does it make?”

Plus Phoebe seemed like she had other social circles outside of the group, like she wasn’t as dependent on them to define her as a person. 

Phoebe was by no means dumb, and one of my favourite things about her was that she was this little seditious voice that pointed out how spoiled everyone else was by their social class, and she reminded the audience of this. She was a friend, but she was capable of taking the approach of, “oh, you’re worried about

Johnson & Johnson in the Johnson?

These guys should have to take the shot in the dick.

Phoebe is by far the best Friend, but Joey was pretty solid and incredibly loyal - he kept Monica and Chandler’s relationship secret for MONTHS and they got caught by the rest of their friends (separately) on their own. He provided a place for Rachel and Emma to live out of the goodness of his heart (unlike Ross, who

That’s Miss Chanandler Bong.

Ross is way worse than Chandler.

Well we live in a world where a megafauna became president. Are you sure we’re not dumber than back then?

Willée Wonka

Chalamet and the Chocolat Factory.

The cliche of her not waiting for backup and turning off her phone really pissed me off. She just got out of hospital and lost her partner, but she’s going to plunge into a potentially dangerous situation for no good reason? It seems more like the writers saying , we neeed a climactic ending for the penultimate

Kate Winslet probably was an Emmy favorite for this the moment her name got put above the title, but dammit if that scene where she recounts the day Kevin died doesn’t win her all the awards.

I love how innocuous that book looks, yet it’s probably grislier than the Werewolf novel in question.

I hugely wish my jr high English teacher has assigned me to read this & not the fucking Red Pony