Can’t wait for the climax of this story.
But it’s nice that Drew Barrymore was able to so bravely relieve herself of this guilt.
You probably needed the coffee because those pretzels were making you thirsty.
I’m not the only person who always reads it as “Alien v. Farrow”, am I.
Imagine being a 53-year old multi-millionaire crying this much about the culture. Imagine moving through the world and being so very hurt by this stuff. Walking around your giant compound, chartering a private jet, all the staff buzzing around you as they clean your toilet and maintain your pool. Jesus what a fucking…
I wish white men would get cancelled. Then I wouldn’t have to hear their whining every goddamn day about how they’re cancelled.
Wait you threw out chicken jut because it sat out for five hours? That was still perfectly good chicken!
Yeah, the doc came up in the course of the discussion. She truly just pushed herself constantly and was a tireless workhorse. Apparently the night before she died she was down at a small comedy club downtown trying out new material. 81 years old, over a hundred million dollars accumulated, and she was up late at night…
The scene Terri played of Jean’s character with Brad Garrett “Don’t think I’m weak because I’m an old woman.... my husband would have killed you where you stand”. I had cold chills. And she auditioned with that. Holy shit.
Watched it this weekend after hearing Jean Smart on on Fresh Air the other day. Highly suggest you listen, especially if you recently lost someone. Her husband passed suddenly in March, and she had to pick up and go right back to work. I imagine she’s still in her grief fog. She was the best part of her season on Fargo…
I don’t think I’ve laughed out loud so frequently during a show’s premiere since Veep. Her line about the writer looking like “Rachel Maddow’s mechanic” had me screaming. Just viciously funny and I cannot wait for more.
I watched the first two episodes over the weekend, it is tremendous. Smart and funny - even if I was slightly upset that I now identify with the “old broad” and not the “young woman” in these sorts of stories.
What’s the saying? Once the trickle gets close to happening, those at the top give themselves a bigger cup?
They had to drop the cookware they didn’t want to get roasted online.
I was waiting for some dark humor with Mare hearing a CRUNCH underfoot as she searched the house during the blackout.
I couldn’t even watch it. My father became addicted to Oxycodone and Ambien, because his dr wouldn’t stop prescribing them, even after I threatened to sue him. He was in the hospital so many times after falling because of being high, the last time he broke his hip, a very minor fracture which he should have recovered…
Well, yeah.
I’m sure the e-mails WERE a reflection of the environment. Why this prick thinks that’s a defense of any kind is only proof of the sociopathy that allowed this disaster to happen. Every single one of these pharmaceutical companies knew what they were doing; demand for painkillers doesn’t increase by 2000% over a…
Capitalism does not work for the people and never has. It’s a scam.