In the Flair Tonight

I feel like Biden has flown very under the radar since his inauguration, and so the “at least he’s not Trump!” feeling lasted longer than I expected for someone who is fundamentally a centrist in office to appease people who think subsidizing childcare is radical. He is currently loudly affirming that he is indeed a

I can’t believe how stupid Netflix were to throw loads of money at people like Ryan Murphy and Shonda Rhimes, who i feel have already peaked.

You are correct, Fosse/Verdon was great.

Even though on the current PR there are now models of varying sizes walking the runway, whenever the designers get to choose which models they want to use, the thin ones always get picked first.

I grew up very poor in South America. Got compliments for my body left and right. None of these people stopped to think my body was that way because there were days I was literally starving because we couldn’t buy food. As soon as our situation improved, we, quite naturally, starting eating like there was no tomorrow

I can’t even remember who the other contestants were.

I can’t remember where but I heard someone say recently on a podcast or something that the brand of bad celebrity biopic TV movies from the 80s and 90s (the kind with walk-ons by actors in bad wigs doing terrible impressions of the famous people they’re playing) didn’t actually die out, they’ve just become prestige

Agreed! ANT did a good job, but it wasn’t the best collection that season by a long shot.

From what I remember of that season ANT’s collection wasn’t on the level of the other contestants, regardless of the plus-sized issue.  

It’s almost as if the $hit he’s gone through has caused him to be inconsistent and a little crazy. I’m not seeing anything sinister here, just a guy who’s tried to do what his family wanted and found he just couldn’t so when the chance came to run from it, he took it. We should all be so sane. No sarcasm.

Aw. I like the guy. He’s certainly limited in his abilities, but he comes off as sincere and likable with the right roles. 

Now playing

I’d just like to say for the hundredth time that Walton Goggins is a national treasure.

I can’t stand Olivia Munn either, and I’m not quite sure why and yeah, I chastise myself for it because it feels mean and judgy to dislike someone I’ve never met. But I think it has something to do with the fact that she got famous on a show featuring a segment where she shoves as much random stuff in her mouth as

I’m with you and I feel ashamed about it :(

Full disclosure: I have an unexplainable, long-rooted visceral dislike of Olivia Munn. And until now, that black hole of scorn has been light-years from the luminous love I feel for J. Mulaney.

Yeah, for some reason I thought he was an atheist, which made me like him even more. Honestly, this is why I shouldn’t read about celebrities private lives, I’m a huge fan of Mulaney, but reading that he might attend an evangelical church (and worse, possibly even Hill Song!) and that he’s dating the ever thirsty Munn

why. do. celebrities. insist. on. getting. married?

I feel like “raised Catholic” is the group LEAST likely to attend church as an adult, but I may be biased.

I don’t wanna rush to judgment of a person I don’t know at all whatsoever, but I worry that this isn’t close to the end of whatever’s going on with John. He’s going to relapse or just make some completely batshit decisions based on whatever new outlook he has on life.