

There've been comments knocking around for the past few months to the effect of "Trump is the GOP's Kwisatz Haderach." It makes sense when you think about it.

Yeah, I saw it when I was 10 or so and that scene where the cops come into her apartment and find the bloody scene — yeesh, that stayed with me. Loved the film though.

Funny, saw these parked at Dexter and Mercer here in Seattle on Friday, didn't know what to make of it.

I prefer the sequel, "No, I Capture the Castle."

Aliens isn't that much of an action film. People always talk about it like it's some wall-to-wall shoot-em-up but that first alien ambush is an hour into the movie, and there's a pretty long action-free section after that.

Yeah, he was a huge surprise to me. Other surprises — people I had no strong opinion about beforehand but really liked on the show — were Jake Gyllenhaal, Lindsay Lohan, and (as mentioned in the article) Anne Hathaway.

Love this movie, get chills every time I watch it. Whenever I'm a little under the weather I say to my wife "I can't say I feel quite a hundred percent, Charles." Then I repeat "Charles" like 20 times just like Alec Baldwin.

It's Baldwin's character who forgets to bury the rag.

Cool story bro.

Tasha, for DeLillo try "Libra," about Lee Harvey Oswald. Brilliant and accessible, and less remote than his others. Based on what you're saying, definitely stay away from "Ratner's Star" and "The Names."

"So Don, were you the asshole, or was it Philip Michael Thomas?"

More metaphors please.

I don't loathe her, and I've certainly seen her be funny (e.g. as Adele on celebrity Family Feud, a few weeks back) but most of the time her line delivery seems very stilted, *emphasizing* *each* *word*, and it really kills skits for me.

I get the feeling Wheelan has a lot of goodwill on the show — he's made a good-natured thing out of being the forgotten cast member. Zamata's definitely staying (and should stay).


Oooooooh oh. Oooooooooooh oh.