
The quality of free 'non-stocky' images available today is exponentially better than it was even a couple of years ago.

If you can't think of any mindless activities – or simply don't want to face the chore-like ones – I can personally vouch for a few minutes of juggling.

Generally, if people had the discipline to switch on airplane mode, they'd have the discipline to step away from the screen in the first place?

Read this earlier today, and the advice is more vital today than ever. It's just so hard to unplug with the technology available to us.

Nice. That'd make a good app/plugin. Especially if you could tailor it so that it only applied to certain defined categories of people, or times of the day (most people are more likely to detonate such messages in the evening/night).

Sure. If I was calm enough to calculate that, it probably wasn't much more than a 3 for me, anyway. ;)

Some good points.

Try this: when you receive said message, assign it a score of 1-10, depending on how angry it makes you, from 1 – mildly irritated – to 10 – apocalyptically furious.


Agreed. It's become meaningless.

I know someone who used to be fairly senior in the British Royal Navy. He would instill a simple mantra in all those who served under him: 'A clean ship is a happy ship. And a happy ship is an efficient fighting weapon.'

Plus, there's always the 'get chased by mountain lion' technique that's gaining some traction here in Southern California.

Where's the dice?

Yeah. He really treads a very fine line between scientist extraordinaire and casualty of OCD :/

Another reason this is sound advice is that waiting until you feel ready tends to mean that most of your ideas and concepts about the project are already either set in stone or derived from others (one drawback of research).

Knuckle Cracking Causes Arthritis: Mostly False

...failure was not something to be afraid of, that it was not the opposite of success...

Often, the urge to 'fight', in this context, is really no more than that – an urge, a itch that needs to be scratched.

Would it not be simply easier to fold the creases out in the opposite direction? I'd probably be more worried about light/reflections on a sheet protector /glass degrading the image.

Speaking of which, does anybody want to buy a used hedonic treadmill? :)