
I agree that advances in most of our tech are becoming more incremental, and I try to remember that when the latest gadget is revealed.

You can train more than dogs with this approach.

No doubt, all approaches have their limitations. The difference is, though, CBT has a far greater weight of empirical evidence for its efficacy behind it – more than any other approach I've heard of.

NLP can be really useful here (leaving aside its quirky fringe element).

Now this is how technology can really enrich our lives.

Very true. Group brainstorming is definitely overrated. The 'group responsibility' aspect often triggers the 'social loafing' effect.

I'd strongly recommend Seligman's 'Learned Optimism' as a starting point. He basically sparked the whole Positive Psychology movement ~15 years ago.

When in doubt, look to the science. For these kinds of issues, CBT works wonders.

Hm. Doesn't seem to work for me on Android (Optimus G Pro). '@' is flagged as an invalid character.

Cool. Been waiting on this since I read your original review last week. I'm in the process of transitioning our mobiles from AT&T's crazy prices to a Google Voice setup. This Karma, plus a modest PAYG backup will save us a fortune (we hardly use our phones for talk anymore) – plus our tablets will have mobile data

Command+K works on v5.5.1 – does it not work on 5.6? (I haven't been prompted with the update via the App Store to check yet.)