Wait, what? Bacteria are alive, dude. Antibiotics kill them. That definition of life holds up.
I am actually, genuinely now wondering if you’ve ever taken a biology class.
Wait, what? Bacteria are alive, dude. Antibiotics kill them. That definition of life holds up.
I am actually, genuinely now wondering if you’ve ever taken a biology class.
+1. I don’t know why it’s so hard to say, “It’s a human life, and it’s ok to end it because the mother’s more established life and choices take precedence.” Is it too radical to be that honest?
I want the bold statements with informed, coherent thought! You say “it’s not a life” and I dismiss you as a biology 101…
If THAT made you sigh, wait until you read my NEXT one.
Seriously, though, developing organisms are high in protein. But you can probably get your fix from a serving of Balut. Much less taboo and just as gross. Less Jonathan Swift cred, but we can’t have everything.
I didn’t ask if you felt bad. But I don’t understand how anyone capable of qualitative assessment could think that something *is* a totally different thing purely by virtue of it being 6 inches to the left. Fetuses don’t change in the birth canal. (In case you thought they did, let me assure you, as a developmental…
An honest question — when you look at a picture of a fetus, and imagine cutting off its limbs with scissors, is that really equivalent to cutting apart a tumor in your mind?
I’ve never been able to think of it that way, and it always surprises me when other people act like they can. It’s not like it’s a tumor inside…
I mean, I get your point, kind of, but no. No pro-lifer walks around with pictures of ovaries and sperm trying to save them. Gametes are not the same things as fetuses. One is a cell with your genetic code, the other is a forming human body with pain receptors, its own unique genetic code, and a heartbeat. I’m not…
So that's like actually a rule? I have never heard that, and it is mind-blogglingly dumb. Look at these goddesses, and tell me they don't look amazing in long hair.
Right? Right.
Ok, so you just have a problem with engagement shoots and big weddings across the board?
I don't think there's any reason to conclude that people celebrating their union is self-obsession (any more than spending money and time to get a nice spa day is 'self-centered'), but I am less up in arms about that than the idea,…
Dude, seriously? They aren't annoying or self-obsessed. Facebook is for sharing your life with your friends. They are doing that. My nursing friends share nursing stuff. My traveling friends share travel stuff. People share what they're into. Why the hell is that supposed to be a problem?
There is nothing even remotely…
I dunno, I don't think displays of ability are necessarily narcissistic. They can do amazing things, and they know it, and the love it, and they want to share it. The pictures are super cool.
Is narcissistic to be aware of your objectively exceptional abilities and to be proud of them? Because aside from the poses,…
Seriously, WHY? I *ADORE* seeing my Crossfit friends awesome pictures of physical ability. Like, love it a lot. And I love hearing anyone I know geek out with passion about whatever they're into, no matter what it is. Passion is amazing! People who are good at things are admirable! Why be shitty about this?
Why the…
Thank you. I do not get this "put them in their place" bullshit. These guys are impressive and I am impressed. I have to assume all the bitter comments are people externalizing their personal shit, and it's so boring to read over and over again.
But the thing is, they ARE kind of amazing, and it's ok that they are aware of it, and I am happy that I get to look at it because it's awesome.
I hate the weird catty need to tear down people who think well of themselves. They know they can do awesome things, what on earth is wrong with being excited about that and…
Nope, sorry, thanks for playing. See aforementioned "they're all talking about what their MEN did that they loved." Nice try, though!
They aren't hating it because a man did it... read the comments. Most of them are talking about the thing their man did that they loved.
They're hating it because it rubs them the wrong way. That is exactly as uncomplicated as it sounds.
I cannot see the dress, and I cannot even see the boob, because all I can see is whatever godawful thing they did to her face. She doesn't even look artsy, she just looks profoundly unpleasant.
I am so not the target market for high fashion.
Omg, you just reminded me of a bar I used to go to in Philly. At some point they started looping weird pornographic 60s cartoons on Friday nights, and your description of "really uncomfortable" is perfect. To make matters worse, it was a super dark underground space, so the blazing TVs were inescapable to the eye.
Oh thank you, I had to re-read that sentence like 12 times trying to parse it or figure out if there was a typo. "So... she has to... pay the dowry twice? Or he was paying her dowry? To himself? What?"
Yours makes more sense. Thx.
I would assume that's far more trite, in the sense that it's simply playing on the old societal stereotype that whores are for dating and virgins are for marrying/taking home to mom. Sexual inexperience being a "priceless gift that you give your husband" and making you "worth" more as a woman/commodity. Plus, the…