I literally don’t understand it. As a man, ignoring the obvious empathy gap you have to have to want to deny access to birth control, even the selfish id part of me is against it.
I literally don’t understand it. As a man, ignoring the obvious empathy gap you have to have to want to deny access to birth control, even the selfish id part of me is against it.
Ikr? White Wisconsin Republicans confirmed for triggered beta snowflakes trying to enforce their PC agenda.
Do you realize we just elected a president who spent his entire campaign lumping Muslims into one problematic group that needs to be constantly tracked? Along with all sorts of dogwhistle language about lawless blacks?
I’m a Jezebel-loving white guy and I have no idea how you could possibly interpret the general attitude of this site that way, unless you have only have one setting for reading and it’s named “extremely literal.”
The course is designed to take issue not with a particular racial identity, but with the institutionalized idea of a privileged or “normal” racial identity — that being whiteness. The course name aims to address this unflinchingly and I have absolutely no issues with it. We need more classes like it.
Why are we acting like a government this squeamish over politically inconvenient movies having such sway over big-budget filmmaking is okay?
Some bad form from Tilda, but 200% fuck China and major studios catering to them. The more China gets involved in major studio filmmaking, the more these kinds of weird concessions will be made. That government is not a friend to good art. Or even vaguely politically inconvenient art.
I can’t even wrap my head around the logic of telling a political refugee their claims about their homeland’s human rights abuses are the result of bias.
Please the clap.
As always, the sentiment is, “I wouldn’t have to see color if everyone would just act white/pretend nothing is wrong.”
That’s a measured way of looking at it; people are complicated.
I don’t think it’s simplistic to point out that she felt comfortable endorsing views harmful to other demographics in major ways (Muslims, blacks, gays, Latinos, people who look like they just might be Muslim), in order to protect her perceived financial interests in small ones. That’s a big message to those around…