The Almighty Interrobang

Well done.

As much as MTV has sucked for the last 20 years, it did have a promo from years ago, that I feel is relevant here, that did make me laugh:

I said this the other day on here (yea, I watched the leak. Sue me.) that I thought letting Jaime live felt like a cop out.

I'm hearing this in Varys' voice as I read it, for some reason.

I've been self employed and living on my own since I was 20. I bought my apartment when I was 23.

FYI: Super rich dudes that get put in actual hardcore fed prisons (which he, more than likely, won't) tend to just get ass fucked a few times, but then become relatively immune because the heavy level felons just exchange protection for them to spout money to their families.

Ha. Like this shit matters.

Just a recommend:

I watched it. I probably shouldn't have, but you're basically putting me in a room with nothing but the finest meal in the world but telling me not to touch anything, then leaving and locking the door.

I love false equivalencies.

Wait, are you telling me one of his movies was just called, "Ernest Africa"?

True fact: That movie was George Miller's main inspiration for The Mad Max series.

That guy looked nothing like that Yankee player!

Don't you mean the Canine Islands?

My favorite one: "How bout you click your heels together three times and go back to Africa."

Yes. The "opportunities".

And unlike the implied bigotry/racism of the clown, they could have just cranked that shit to 11 and had Bobby Fischer do a cameo as the villain.

I had to paws after reading that awful pun.

I have to hand it to Katie if she was actively watching these movies the entire time, rather then glancing over at them every few minutes in between texting people on her phone.

This article captivated me in ways I could never imagine.