The Almighty Interrobang


Who's buried in Grant's tomb?

Tell me he's STILL doing Ross Perot, cause a friend of mine saw him like 8 or 9 years ago and he was still doing that, which may just be the most dated thing ever.

I agree. After doing the math, T-bone's logic checks out.


Apparently, among the commentariat you don't.

As my good friend always says, racism is just behind the doors now.

Ahh, leave it to a believer in the afterlife to be extremely judgemental of something that never even came to conclusion.

"it's because he probably did it"

Also, though you can only make it out in the slightest, both of them are standing on top of Peter Dinklage.

The Final Taboos

Did you mean move in the direction of women's assholes on a visual sense, or within the narrative of the show?

This just made me think of this joke from years ago.

In unfortunately related-news, The Leftovers has been extended into a film, a line of designer shoes and a limited edition set of lunchboxes for kids.

Then just hop on Chase Daniel.

"My son, thou art asking thee a question too stupid for the Lamb to ponder.

I fucking love stouts and porters, but there's just one problem with drinking them regularly:

I would say all this shit is just an example of feeding into dipshit consumerism, as opposed to actually just enjoying the art of the music through the act of listening to it, but then that would just sound absolutely retarded.

I've watched most of this season already from the prior release, so all I can say is this show is fucking batshit for all the right reasons.

I was talking to a friend a few weeks ago and brought up my theory on why so much modern horror is shit: