Cinnamon Owl

I do think it's significant in the sense that influential people who might strategically want to maintain blandly positive relations with any president are concluding that Trump is crazy and incompetent, and the optics are just never going to get better—the pivot isn't coming, the answer to how can he top last weekend

That's where the GOP opposition to Ryan is—Pizzagate truthers.

538 discussed the Dem side of the AL Senate race, and apparently it's one of those embarrassing deep-red-state no-chance-so-whatevs Dem primaries where the person in the polling lead…. has a familiar sounding name. (Kennedy, in this case.) Apparently a guy named Gene Kelly did well in a number of races a few years

The alt-right is beyond saving at this point I'm afraid.

Trump's got another week of vacation to go. You don't want to assume he peaked early.

I do think this is a valuable reminder that "they learned it at home" is facile. Sometimes hateful people embrace hate all on their own as a way to explain why they don't feel like they're winning, while their family wonder why everyone but Peter managed to grow into responsible adults.

I'm genuinely flabbergasted by the emerging "the problem is that people counter-protest Nazis" line.

Would he benefit from Luis Omar Tapia providing play-by-play?

I disagree: most social change comes about by driving what used to be mainstream into the shadows of what polite people don't say in public. And after a generation, it's what normal people don't hiss in private, either. This was behind the rage in the past decade about how you used to be able to mouth off at work or

"I stand with Jeff Sessions, Orrin Hatch, and Ted Cruz…"

When considering how well he's planned this, let's recall his WSJ article in which he calls up world leaders and asks how many people they have in their countries.

I did appreciate Sasse just bluntly saying "No. No, you may not invade Venezuela. No."

Orrin Hatch: "My brother didn't give his life fighting Hitler for Nazi ideas to go unchallenged here at home."

Things I learned this weekend: "Anti-fascist" is now a slur, directed at the sort of people who counter-protest Nazi marches rather than stay inside and pretend that they can't see the Nazis. 80 years later, here we are.

See, I'd class smashing his legs with shooting him in the kneecap—people with one game leg can still use their fingers on triggers. It's all under don't pull a gun unless you are prepared to shoot to kill. (To enjoy Person of Interest I was forced to pretend that it was a parallel world where a nerve in each knee runs

He was busted on planted drugs. Once they cleaned up the Neo mess with Enger who framed him, no reason he shouldn't be able to go get a normal job. (And it's months later. The babies are only a few months old.)

I disagree.

But when the chips are down, she's the sort of mom who will pin your enemies to the table with a serving fork while you escape. That counts.

Also, it's believable that a 10 year old boy would skip the baby shower if at all humanly possible.

And Donnie was someone who really, deeply, truly messed up by working for Leakey—and he came back from it and moved forward.