Cinnamon Owl

Props to Orrin Hatch: "We should call evil by its name. My brother didn't give his life fighting Hitler for Nazi ideas to go unchallenged here at home."

Trump's defenders on WaPo's comments board are settling on "The only problem here is that the left won't turn a blind eye when Nazis and the KKK march through the street. If you pretend not to see them, they will cease to exist."

The WaPo's stalwart Trump defenders are settling on the response "If you pretend not to see Nazis, they won't be there. This all happened because people acted like they could see the Nazis, rather than winking and looking away."

Popular head canon is that S supported herself with discreet arms dealing.

Huh, interesting. I felt like the first few episodes were very messy, like they had to redirect the story into a new arching plot after getting renewed even though they went into this knowing they had seasons 4 and 5 to work with. Redirecting to Toronto might explain some of the scrambling feel.

It was fully justified in the immediate term—Helena is giving birth nearby while armed people try to hunt her down and steal (her/babies/body parts). You don't just knock PT over, then leave him surrounded by improvised weapons and lead him back to Helena. That was straight up defense of herself and others.

Super healing was an inserted gene harvested from the guy chained in PT's basement. It led to the original Ledas getting sick, but in the next generation (Kira, Orange, and Purple) manifested the way they wanted it to.

Can we stop pretending

I liked returning to that, because over the series Sarah became someone who was good and strong and reliable in a crisis…. but that ability truly doesn't always smoothly translate into remembering to buy stuff today so you can have sandwiches for lunch tomorrow. Into how to be still.

One thing I noticed in this ep was that the clones moved back to being sharply distinct from each other. Earlier this season I think it got a bit messy, reflecting that they were often in the same plot lines with the same motivations.

Remember Alison's mom thinks Alison isn't a clone because Cosima is black.

The first Bush commented "What is it about August?" per the weird habit of scandals to break into this sleepy vacation news cycle.

Trump has only been on vacation a week, and we already have a nuclear staredown with North Korea, a threat to invade Venezuela, and equating Na**s and people who oppose them as equal sides of the problem.

Back in January, I don't think I would have called August as the point where the national discussion would be, "Okay, can we draw the line at actual Nazis?"

I know some people didn't like Westmoreland lacking uber villain gravitas, but I really liked that he was pathetic, more of a mascot than a mastermind.

The climax for the intricate conspiracy plot came a couple of episodes ago, when Cosima hit "send" on the Neolution story. After that was a long slow denouement of Coady and Westmoreland scuttling about like
1) Cord blood
2) ????
3) Profit, glory

I liked the feeling that Coady and Westmoreland were sort of persistent cockroaches, stuck in their groove as Neolution disintegrated next door. Sticking to the plan even though the plan made less and less sense. Enger the true believer was still in it for the philosophy, but the security guys and other doctor seemed

Venezuela is out now: Trump is threatening military action there, too.

Congress may just start pretending the president doesn't exist. At least, the GOP side.

I thought that was pretty unlikely at the time, but Trump's actions are convincing me otherwise.