Cinnamon Owl

It's interesting that both the far left and the far right seemed to meet on the theory "If I can just get MY GUY into the presidency, then he will have unfettered power to do all the AWESOME STUFF he promised." Like checks and balances are a myth small-minded people use to dismiss their ability to enact super awesome

Possible effect of Kelly improving his briefings?

He thought "the trans thing" and that was the word cloud that drifted up to the top of his brain.

NPR's report on this was just golden. Like "I saw this on tape, so it really did happen and is not my producer punking me."

He probably likes that they are reporting on something besides the Russia stuff, but not that "he seems to be flailing incoherently, but with nukes" was the tone of much of it. (I gather Kelly has stopped the "here you are looking presidential on Fox, it's just glowing adoration in the press" briefings?)

There is a narrow window on technicalities, where the first sentence is sorta accurate in the sense "like Obama and the 3 presidents before him, I ordered the standard review of nukes when I came into office." And the second sentence might be accurate because OBAMA did a major multi-bilion dollar upgrade over the past

You need new experiences to fuel new stories.

Back in the 80s I went on a tour of White Sands in NM, and I distinctly remember the guide explaining that they put the various impact measuring things directly on the spot they were targeting, figuring that was the least likely point for them to actually hit and destroy all the sensors.

Yeah, I guess a potential upside here is to get people to re-examine "so we leave Trump in charge of the nuclear codes and foreign policy, that'll stop Pence!" as a viable or responsible strategy.

I haven't seen any practical interest in it. But it's the first step if they ever want to attain any sort of power. This "1 Elect Bernie president; 2 ????; 3 Free college and healthcare and democratic socialism for everyone!!!" is not a plan.

Remember, the president almost never watches TV news. That his emotional twitter meltdowns seem to be in response to whatever is airing at the time is an unbroken string of wild coincidences.

I have heard/read "shot their wad" literally hundreds of times, meaning "threw everything they had, and are now out of ammunition." (With 'ammunition' being metaphorical, and I was aware that the phrase derived from artillery.) I am sincerely surprised that we are now insisting that the phrase has never been used in

On DNC agenda: in a presidential year, it's a good idea to have a positive uniting message. In an off-year election, though, when your party doesn't hold the White House, "We will be a check on the president" is your message. (See 2006, 2010.) It's not like you're going to actually have the power to enact new

it is very rare to find an actor who can create the distinct, recognizable by their gait while disguised as a different clone, personalities that Maslany can—literally the first two or three seasons of the show, much of the discussion was about how incredible she was at that, and how unusual it is to find an actor who

I don't think it's possible to cast a nine year old who you're confident can play a radically different character convincingly in 3 years.

Not everyone, or even most people, is cut out to run a business—it is a very different skillset from "have neat new tech idea." And having no experience at anything—tech or business—other than going to college should do the opposite of guarantee funding.

My town had an annual "wash the fire trucks day" for which my toddler was just in alt. All the fire trucks got clean from their bottom edge up to about 3 ft off the ground.

Galant is a child actor they cast years ago to play two roles, both of them a reserved, smart, cautious, educated little girl.

It's sort of worked for me that the ultimate big bad was in the end a mascot. Someone to sit out there and draw focus while the real science went on out of sight. And to take them down, it was never a question of shooting one person and bam everyone else in the conspiracy gives up.

Because she is. Charlotte's actress was used in a photo of "young Sarah from back then" that S had.