Cinnamon Owl

They can always insert a dramatic run through a crafting store on the way to the rescue.

Could be a "Britain sizzles in the seventies!" thing.

I'm torn between thinking his numbers will recover a bit since he's not making news, and reasoning that with no regular work he can concentrate on tweeting.

They do it in Massachusetts. I believe it's been established that people making big purchases (like a car) just move that purchase from an earlier or later week close to the tax holiday—no one who wasn't going to buy a car decides "well heck guess I'll go pick up an extra car."

Pretty much the only thing that is keeping Trump in the 30s is a decent economy. (One which is almost identical to the Obama economy, specifically.) Just due to normal economic cycles, no incompetence needed, I don't expect that to last eight years.

Obvious possibilities: Art's wife, Cosima, Alison, Adele, Donnie. Colin. Rachel.

In addition to all the other reasons she deserved to die, Coady STILL serving the discredited shell of the collapsing Neolution scam because… well, she doesn't change sides was enough on its own.

She does an incredible job at making the viewer want to punch her. Just by smirking.

Eh… from the moment they proposed sending in Rachel, it was obvious it was going to be Sarah. The Warrior, per Felix's show. Rachel is both unreliable and a lot more physically limited.

I decided that Helena was one of those kids who, given the marshmallow test, realized that there was surely a bag of marshmallows in the experimenter's desk.

Black voter turnout was particularly high the two times Obama was on the ballot, and back to normal levels in 2016—that is, almost the same as white voter turnout. And we're talking a couple of points here, not huge swings.

In a way, it's an interesting challenge—can you come up with a story whereby Trump acts like this but isn't covering up money laundering and collusion, he's totally innocent of those—and all other crimes!—and it's all part of an elaborate shadow play serving some genius long-range plan?

"The uranium" = "when she was secretary of state, a Canadian firm that owned rights to uranium mining in the US and elsewhere was bought by a Russian firm." (Probably for their mining rights in the 'stans, mostly.)

I mean, I actually thought literal collusion was unlikely. But if you're going to confess to it and tweet out the supporting evidence, sure, I'll believe you.

Trump's claims about how the Congress is conspiring against him will play much better with Democratic control of one chamber—I think he is now actively rooting for this.

I'm pretty reassured by the Republicans tying his hands on Russia, staying in session so he can't fire Sessions and recess appoint someone else, and preparing legislation to protect Mueller. Despite Trump's bellowing about the Democrats using their control of all branches of government to try and take away the world's

Late to the party, but: Is there really any chance at all that he is going to say "Whoa, there is porn on the internet?!!!! How do I reach this wondrous place?"

I was thinking as the interview veered off into Arabellas that if this were just a retired grandpa, you would nod along to the wandering topics and lack of depth and quietly think "poor guy, pity to slide like this."

I was 9, and still remember it.