Cinnamon Owl

The WSJ thing is interesting—were they covering up the insaner bits? (Like calling up the leaders of other nations to ask how many people they had, in response to a question about corporate tax rates. Quick segue to complaining about how developing nations can have higher economic growth than developed economies,

Trump's approval rating is trending downwards. He was at 39% approve, 61% disapprove on Rasmussen, famous bastion of liberalism.

They've taken up desperately flailing at Mueller, now. Tripling down over and over again in the hopes that eventually this somehow comes out looking like they aren't Putin puppets.

It sounds like a literal chrysalis is involved.

Fivethirtyeight was recording their usual Monday podcast—this week's topic, chaos in the White House with all the crazy staff turnover—and had to insert a disclaimer that per usual, more news had broken on this topic while they were recording.

Guardians of the Galaxy, which I had never heard of but I noticed it had a score of 97% on Rotten Tomatoes, which I would have thought was only possible if you made a film employing the adult child of every major film critic in North America. Darn fun; the rare movie that on second viewing made me really appreciate

I knew early on that they were just bringing Scaramucci on for one episode. Not enough depth in his character. Too over the top… Still, a little bizarre that they brought him on for the health care episode — which already had plenty of subplots.
-Nate Silver

The White House just confirmed that dad wrote the statement for junior. So if anyone had set up goalposts on "obviously this is made up, and no way does Trump undercut me defending him on this" they just got tunneled under again.

But he fired Priebus!!! There's no one there to swat the flies anymore. (Literally, Trump assigned Priebus to swat a fly for him.)

I would draw a clear sharp line between being personally opposed to abortion (fine) and wanting to enforce that on other people (not).

As the Mooch so poignantly reminded us, when something stinks the rot starts at the head.

Yeah, but it's not like email best practices and security came up in the election in any way.

Adoption—>response to Magnitsky acts—>response to Russian money-laundering through NY real estate.

I love the theory that Mooch had to be brought in to get rid of Spicer and Priebus. Because…. they had iron-clad contracts in which the only way they could be removed from office was if they were splattered with spittle from an enraged jabroni? In that case, why is Bannon still there?

Tony never struck me as anything other than Sarah pretending to be a guy to mess with Felix. Very specifically Sarah, not Cos or Alison or any other clone pretending to be a guy—maybe a result of the two having a similar low-level criminal backstory. "Pretending to be a guy as a joke" really isn't a good indelible

I don't know that 'inferior' is the right term, but last episode Rachel FINALLY turned her fire on the right targets, slipped past their constant monitoring, and then cut her eye out with a martini glass. That was pretty gripping.

I adore Colin, but he is not exactly a force of nature shaking the world around him the way the sestras have turned out to be.

I don't see how taking away Congress's health insurance could fail to inspire them to take away the health insurance of millions of their voters.

Just another variation on "people are saying…"

Some time back, when Comey was dominating most of the 'normal' news, I went to Fox. All 8 or so stories visible at the top of my browser page were about Democrats. A Democrat lost a bid for a conservative state legislature seat. Warren said something. You would have sworn that Dems had control of all the branches of