Cinnamon Owl

I note that they seem to have given up arguing that he has a genius plan on health care (back in the spring there was hope that he was wandering around golfing because he was geniusly letting the players reveal themselves and what they wanted, after which he would present The Deal). But are trying with the tweets,

Policy, but they are also like post-it notes to himself to come up with a policy about a passing thought, rather than anything he would defend if you threatened to delay lunch until he provided details.

One thing that makes me shake with rage and then type through nausea is the too-clever idea of some on the left that Pence would be more competent at getting legislation passed, so we have to leave Donald in office no matter how insane he gets. Their plan is that voters don't have to do anything because THEN PENCE and

A WaPo reporter asked the fact-checking unit if they wanted to tackle Mooch's claims about Bannon; they took a hard pass.

Not through reconciliation, which must be budget neutral. And they didn't get through their massive cuts to ObamaCare to provide the offset for the tax cuts.

You are underestimating that hair. All the time on the island they had a genetic miracle in their midst, and they ignored it for the chimera of life extension…

I thought one of the weirder aspects of the 2016 Dem race was that both the candidates (Clinton and Sanders) and the wish-they-were-candidates (Biden and Warren) were around 70. So I'd be worried about Harris, too—she's not 70, and not having quite the same name recognition this far out from the election means nothing.

I think the GOP Senate has to now be more than a little skeptical that no one knows more about passing legislation than Trump, no matter what he claims.

Apparently the Senate can block recess appointments by going home but not technically recessing. And have claimed they will do that.

Reportedly Trump liked Mooch's rant to Lizza and looked down on Priebus for failing to give back as good as he got. Reporters need to give it a week or two, then offer Mooch a chance to share his feelings about Kelly.

I don't see how they can go wrong with the team of Kelly and Mooch.

Wait for tax reform to go down when it turns out no one was hiding a secret Awesome Plan on that in their back pocket, either.

I think the 38% is roughly evenly divided between people who are sticking to "well, he's not Clinton" and those who love that he's made facts obsolete. The latter set are not going to lead bupkis and people need to stop fretting that they still appear to be with him. (Go read some polls from the Watergate era—Nixon

While I feel the show sometimes got lost in the weeds along the way (e.g. Big Dick Paul and his ever-changing allegiances and motivations), We Invented Cloning To Carry Bio-Enhancements and Bio-Weapons is a really good unifying plot. I'm not sure it was always there, but as slow world building there's a lot to like in:

She was toying with Ferdinand, so that his last few moments would be spent wondering if S would survive this.

Coady has never done a single blessed thing to suggest that she a) cares about Mark b) has a cure. Mark is an idiot.

It makes poor dumb Mark stand out all the more, that he thought to use "Hi, Helena. We'd like you to come home with us" where everyone else went with tranqing and bagging her.

Rachel would work.

Paul was a very confused young man.

"You have failed to cure every single one of my brothers. 100% death rate. Therefore I have cleverly deduced you must have a cure, and you'll give it to me."