Cinnamon Owl

Alison lives in Scarborough.
-doesn't count

I took that 14% line to Ferdinand as letting him die with just that little bit of doubt as to whether he at least took S with him. The one thing she could say in the moment that might really screw his last moments in a way he hadn't yet thought of.

Step back far enough, and the problem is that Trump has eroded democratic norms so far. If the BSA told him not to come, that would be seen as political and cost them. If they invited him, there was a risk that he would take them up on the offer and then do what he does all the damn time. Inviting him and hoping he

A beautiful summary tweet of the bill's defeat from Alex Burns at the NYTimes:

McConnell doesn't want to lose, but I think he sees this issue as a loser.

I don't see anyone ever again leaving the Senate to take up a Trump post, after what's happened to Sessions.

I read what he told Ryan Lizza—which everyone should check out, it's short and jaw-dropping—and thought that there was no way Trump tolerated some loudmouth grabbing the spotlight off Trump for 6 months.

It's worth emphasizing that the Pentagon had 9 sweat-drenched minutes wondering if we were at war with North Korea, or what other possible ill-thought-out decision was being set up in the first tweet, before Trump got back to the twitter and revealed what was percolating through his brain. I don't think he's winning

I'm almost certain that 10 years ago—even 5 years ago—the Senate arguing that they should pass something they agreed would be a horrible disaster because they thought this would somehow cause a mysterious and unknowable good bill they wanted to pass to magically materialize would have been a non-starter as just too

Yeah, but he was on the verge of pivoting. People could tell.

37-dimensional chess! None of you are smart enough to understand it!

I think he really imagined that this was the sort of bold cutting through the red tape move that would really impress people. And that literally, if he kicked all the trans people out of the military then there would be enough money for the wall—that that's how he understood what they told him.

Hey, McCain, you want to see what maverick looks like when you back it up with action?

I loved Justified and couldn't get into Deadwood at all.

I think one of the first comments at SL was that guys don't realize they are into BDSM (or anything else) until they are 30. (Women apparently cue into this stuff at 18, in this person's world.)

I thought there was a slim outside chance that he would decide to spend his last months supporting country over party—actually act like the words in his speech meant something, make it clear he would vote to keep Mueller investigating, be the man who went down in history as critical to stopping Trump.

It's genuinely bizarre to read the Post going all starry eyed for his speech and ignoring the votes he cast—to reopen debate on the Very Secret Bill and then in favor of Trumpcare 3.0 without the bill needing any of the things he said in his speech that it needed.

There are only four television shows on tonight?

It's been not from Obama for six months now.

On the possibility of the other clones forgiving Rachel and Helena: They have a really extreme case of "there but for the grace of God go I." Start with their baseline genetic code, implant them into that mother so they had that same fetal environment and then same post-natal environment, and… yup, there's a lot of