Cinnamon Owl

It depends on how much the board's faith in Dyad rests on their believing that the life extension stuff has been on the level.

That was one poorly thought through riot. Both within the story and in the meta sense.

Having one of them still choose to be a ruthless killer is a good way to highlight the choice aspect—that it's not the case that everyone would be a noble do-gooder if they could, but that your past choices usually tightly constrain your future ones.

Even I know that tweets are searchable forever, even if you scrub them off your home page.

I'd be more worried if Trump were hiring people with some semblance of steady-hand-at-the-wheel skills. Doubling down on the crazy isn't going to solve any of his problems—there are no hesitant Trump supporters thinking "Man, I don't know… if only he hired a slimy Wall Street guy who supports gun control, then I'd be

This is the point 538 keeps making. Where are the people who love this bill? You can't push what everyone recognizes as major legislation through without someone who thinks it's a really good idea, and some other people who think it might be a good idea and is worth trying.

It's going to occur to someone in Congress that if they just keep a rotating display of big trucks on the White House lawn, they can keep him distracted and out of the way.

At this point the piss play video could drop, and it would be like thing number 12 on the news and his supporters would dutifully switch from "obviously a lie" to "obviously not important."

If you use the term "fake news" in your tweets then they should be about how Whatever Topic is totally made up by the media and has no basis in truth. When you complain about the leakers illegally leaking their leaks, that just confirms that the news is TRUE NEWS.

With only 3 episodes left, I just don't think they have time.

I don't think PT gets 100% of the blame for what Ian and Susan did. Rather, desperately wanting to be loved and accepted and valued for who she is has been a throughline for Rachel—one denied her by Ian, and by Susan, and by Leakey. So for PT to play the card "I will be the parent who values you for yourself, finally"

I think Trump believes that Attorney General is, literally, the president's defense lawyer. So if the AG recuses himself from an investigation into the president's' illegal jiggeries that's his defense lawyer refusing to do his job.

I think the sloppy conspiracies reflects an ongoing American problem—not knowing how many seasons you have to fill, so when you get renewed you keep ginning up layers to the conspiracy that make less and less sense. (I think they have a weird twist on this where some things they're doing—like using the two clone lines

This is why I would like Republicans to be drilled on the new goal posts. Because they were on "collusion" and he tunneled right under that one. What thing are you so confident Trump won't do that you will go on the record as opposing him 'if he does X, obviously'?

At this point, WaPo is just straight up typing what a normal president should say, because it seems people forget.

I live outside Boston.

When the whole Russia thing has finally shaken out, I suspect we will have a recurring theme of:

It's sort of fascinating that a "majority" here has come to mean "half the house plus one, not counting anyone in the freedom caucus."

Given how well trucks have worked to keep him distracted, I'm surprised Priebus hasn't arranged for a weekly extravaganza.

If leftists actually voted in large numbers, the party would move to support them. Because a whole lot more leftists would hold positions of power within that party. Did Ellison have the passionate support of 60% of rank and file Democrats? No? Then it's not surprising he didn't win. Ignoring the 60% to try and lure