Cinnamon Owl

This this this. It's a fool's bet that if the Democrats will just be perfect enough on every issue, then maaaaaaaybe the left will vote. (For president. State office, local, House reps… that stuff is so boring.)

I don't want to overestimate voters, but this "We will replace it with the secret plan!!!!!" stuff worked a whole lot better before February. Claiming that there exists a nascent extra secret plan which can only be revealed in 2019—no, you can't have it now, it has to marinate in the secret sauce of secrecy—is going

And the thing is, if he just pulled out that incredible health care plan he ran on—the one he couldn't show anyone, because the worker bees had to dot a few i's, but it was a concrete plan that would provide full coverage to everyone at a fraction of the current cost—then this whole embarrassing stalemate would end.

I like the point that the tactics that let them seize power made it extremely difficult to get anything done with that power.

See, I would totally believe that he had someone in Hawaii spinning him tales of how they were on the trail of great stuff, it just needed two weeks at a luxury golf resort to unlock the final piece.

I remember when W was president the Secret Service failed to stop one of his daughters from ordering alcohol while underage.

Look, the UAE has a Trump Golf Club. Obviously they cannot have been behind anything bad.

??? Women are born with all the eggs they will ever have.

-How would we characterize Delphine sexual identity-wise.
Bi; she hadn't been into a woman before Cosima. That happens with some people both straight and gay—I completely missed that someone I knew was dating her roommate until they got engaged, because he was a guy and she had only dated women in the past.

I'm all in favor of not getting cocky, but Dems have been overperforming by 15 points. When that fails to flip an R+30 district, it's still a very positive sign for House flipping—especially that it shows Dem turnout has been very high, even in districts where they have no chance of coming within single digits until

it's worth noting that for Watergate, it took a long time for rank and file Republicans to turn on Nixon—I think it was after he left office. Trump's absolute incompetence—there Republicans are, erecting goalposts, and there he is on twitter, tunneling under them—is going to make seasoned pols hesitant to trust that

An intelligent point made by an intelligence analyst in a WaPo piece: The Russian lawyer has enough ties to the Kremlin—as does the pop singer's dad—that they would not have claimed to be operating on behalf of the Kremlin unless they were very confident that the Kremlin would be cool with that. Vladimir Putin is not

The part of this episode that was hardest to believe was that they only had 57 viewers. Ridiculous!

Yeah, I'd say a B+. (Which scrolling up is the community grade.) I haven't been very in tune with the reviewer this season in either direction, minus the excellent Alison episode.

I was frustrated that killing people, especially relatively feeble ones, was treated as so incredibly difficult. Killing people is pretty easy, it's escaping retribution for it that's the tricky part.

I have some hope for a Team Angry Little Girls, based on Kira's bits in next week's preview.

"Stop it! You're making me wet and I'm super mad at you!"

I'm on board with the instinct to burn the medical lab, actually. But leave the food and clothing and shelter stores intact while you take down the house and plot an escape.

In that pink dress I was thinking how very distinct Krystal, Sarah, Cosima, and Rachel are as body types.

I liked the idea that given the two clonable sibling lines, rather than just study unaltered clones Leda then added in the magical healing gene, and Castor the bioweapon gene (possibly a variation on Lin 28A). It made more sense of past story lines.