Cinnamon Owl

See, I've thought most of the island plot this season went to far into horror movie tropes at the expense of logic, so I thought they would at least pay it off with the villagers storming the castle and some pointed "Frankenstein was the doctor, not his experimental subject" notes.

Using a design Cosima rigged up and then sent to her.

One of the more convincing eternal life stories I read had it as a pre-puberty thing.

Seconded. After stupidly looking up something I thought couldn't be that bad.

It seems like the past year has had a sharp uptick in letters along the lines "I just had really awful sex with a guy that I think comes down to him thinking porn is a training video, rather than something designed to be visually stimulating fantasy."

Yeah, Dan's letters from people in their 30s dating teenagers tend to scream "No 30 year old would put up with my nonsense, which is why I am dating a high school student who doesn't yet have good boundaries."

Particularly as it included the step "dating and sleeping with your current long-time girlfriend's teenage daughter." It's not like Mia and Woody broke up, and then 10 years later he started dating her kid.

Poor dude got shot down on running the US-Russia cyber-security wall of impenetrability. (God I wish I were joking.)

What the Russians want from Trump is to undermine citizens' faith in the government. Possible bonus of adopting foreign policy positions that they would enjoy, but turning everyone's attention inward may be good enough in that respect if they conclude that "Trump tries to do generous favors for Russian fans because

I'm just fed up with the analysis that says Dems aren't winning in bright red R+20, R+30, districts because they just aren't doing the Right Thing, which is to adopt the analyst's platform. They aren't winning in GA6, which went for Romney by 19 points, because it's a very red district. It doesn't mean they will lose

…meant to stave off any further attacks.

I think Russia might have been smart enough to keep their toes just barely on the plausible deniability side of the line; I think they underestimated what happens when the Trump family starts hurling people under the bus.

One of the many notes of humor in this is that the Trump family seems to be blaming Priebus.

Remember the reports that Kushner tried to set up a banking backdoor to the Russian government during the transition, and Russia was like "Heh heh no, gullible amateur, we're not going to do that."

538 covered it from the perspective of scientists who work with this data, and they were basically trying not to fall out of their chairs in disgust that they didn't even ask the right people in many states. (That is, it's not always the secretary of state.)

With hat tip to the Post, one of their reporters promptly dug up a Trump speech from after the meeting was set but before it happened, in which he said that in about five days (that is, Monday after the meeting) he was going to give a speech about all this incredible criminal stuff he had been developing on Hillary.

That last bit actually is relevant. Democratic turnout is high. The margin in bright red SC5 was closer than in GA6, where "you've got to turnout and do it for the GOP team, Trump who, this is about pride" was pounded out while they left the GOP base in SC5 alone.

Where is this other WOT? I seem to have missed the set-up while on vacation.

It bugged me too, and I am usually comically hopeless at technology. But even I know you won't get something impenetrable even if you leave the Russians completely out of it. Putting them in charge is….