Cinnamon Owl

She can just start going by Drumpf and no one will ever connect her to the onetime president.

I lean Priebus for embodying the concept that there is nothing Trump can do that they won't try to pretend is normal and small-d democratic.

Assign them to figure out how securing our elections from Russian hacking via an alliance with Russia to make things unhackable would work.

He wants to be popular. It's literally the one thing he cites, over and over and over, as a measure of success. And he isn't—in fact he keeps plumbing new depths of being unpopular. That's stressful.

Donald has to actually let Pence become president for that to work, and Pence has probably been studying up on what pardoning Nixon did for Ford's election chances.

I mean, that she has preserved that reputation in the face of this orange crap storm is remarkable. She may be the smartest one.

Rachel's own mother abandoned her, then abducted her, then was clear about her disappointment that Rachel grew up to be so much less cool than Cosima.

… and it really was big cosmetics all along.

Or if she didn't hire Chelsea for a major position, but let her attend G20 meetings in mom's place anyhow.

Republicans really ought to WANT to get Trump shuffled off as soon as possible, because Trump was managing to drag Pence into the Flynn-Russia thing before he even took office.

They got at PT's thing with Kira's grifter training—people want to believe in a cure for disease, in extended life, in exciting and revolutionary new science, and so PT the 170 year old man gives them that. I find him far more interesting as a grifter who likes being a cult figure than as a genuine Victorian discover

I honestly don't understand how people could stick with the show.

Why are you devouring reviews of a show you haven't watched in years early on a summer weekend morning?


Dear Dan,

I suspect with Westmoreland they might be going with great genetics exceeeeeeept…. infertile. Makes Sarah and Helena even more of a catch.

Delphine's hair only gets more incredible.

I was guessing her father.

The fact that the people most frantically insisting "He's lying! He doesn't mean that stuff! He obviously actually will do something totally different!" are the president's most stalwart supporters continues to be weird.

The montage at the end was missing the Harley Johns of this world. Murderous rage isn't the only possible response to being deliberately infected with a virus that turns you into a romero without proper management, but it sure is a common and expected one. All the infected zombies being all "oh well, guess I now do