Cinnamon Owl

And why the terrified citizenry raided gun shops, then deciding to march on a zombie gathering protected by armed mercenaries with random implements, none of them a distance weapon.

Sure, but you shouldn't have to follow twitter to know what's going on with a show's plot.

Not in the sense that Justin had a reasonable reaction to it, but that Liv somehow never appeared to grasp that "Babe, it wasn't me—I ate a horny brain and that caused me to dress up, go to a bar, flirt, go upstairs and have sex" is not an excuse she would have accepted from any of her zombie boyfriends.

The zombies on the island could live as any secretive group of scientists, with someone on the outside importing a bunch of brains from the world's poor. It made a lot more sense than announcing themselves to the world as a clear and present danger.

I'll add the moment after the cut to black, when he groaned and Liv told him to cut it out.

This didn't make a lick of sense. From the flu virus that came to Seattle on an airplane, then stopped within its borders as biological agents and their human carriers are wont to do. To handing the vaccines all over to a private military company (and not, like, the National Guard?). To the theory that the zombie

Observation, borrowed from TPM: The hard right has started floating that it is totally cool if Trump was colluding with Russia, because it was clearly just an attempt to get to the bottom of Clinton's Dastardly Emails for his side gig as a one-man Justice Department.

I really think we (as in 'we the people') should have laughed out of the room anyone who was citing a less than 1% chance for someone who was:
a) the nominee of one of the major parties
b) polling within single digits, often within less than 5 (final polling average was D+3.5 or 4, result was D+2)

A huge thing on Democrats and winning: they need to try. John Ossoff's key decision was getting into the race when "It's Georgia 6, which went to Romney by 19 points, so no Dem ever has any shot" was the only relevant factor. Democrats keep discovering too late "Oh, we are within single digits in Kansas that is

Her, Charlotte, Helena's twins. I'd be find with tossing in Afghani girl.

They don't know that she's only getting a manicure twice a week, because Kira isn't talking and isn't allowed to have Sarah or S in the room during her exam. It's far more likely that they are grooming her—if nail clipping wasn't so bad, then is this next thing so bad?—than that they have come up with a series of

I don't think any of the Bobbies jelled—the showrunners hit gold with Kiernan Shipka or I think she might have been recast a few times, as well. Sally became a full character, Bobby stayed on the periphery. He aged downward over the course of the show, I think to avoid the need to commit to an actor for an expanded

Seconding on not skipping episodes—it's not like this final season is heads above the intervening ones. I think I've enjoyed all the individual episodes except this season's ep 2—even if I thought a given conspiracy thread was getting ridiculous, I enjoyed enough of the other plotlines happening to fully enjoy my 40

The left owes a debt of gratitude to that much-divorced Kentucky law clerk. When the court decision first came down, a slim majority of people felt that clerks should be able to pass on issuing licenses if they were uncomfortable. She put a face on it, showed what it looked like in practice, and reasonable people

One reason I suspect that there was no collusion as such during the campaign is Russia refusing Kushner's back channel suggestion. I don't think the Trump people would be smart enough to not collude, but Russia might have figured the risk of colluding wasn't worth it because they were doing really well without it.

It conceals a useful development, actually—many months after his intelligence agencies all told him "Yeah, Russia totally was messing with the election, trying to sow distrust in government and elect people who want to end NATO will let it have some fun in Eastern Europe" he finally admits that they did. Framed as a

Red State is not the voice of the 80% of the country not on the far left, and I don't know why you keep mixing them up. Liberals don't need to convince Trump's die-hard fans to vote for them; they need to convince people who are somewhere in the middle 60%.

Hey, I identify as a moderate. I don't spend my days reading Red State, then despair that I can't possibly convince these people to vote blue in November.

This weekend I was listening to a This American Life from a few years ago, about the takeover of a local school board by a conservative religious minority who gutted the local public schools. (Their kids went to private religious schools.) There was a line about how the principle of the high school would show them

Are you familiar with the phenomenon of old people? As in, they vote in high percentages and so politicians really care about keeping them happy?