Cinnamon Owl

Sounds eerily like the line of reasoning that led to Italy literally jailing geophysicists because they didn't predict an earthquake.

Apparently his interviews were freaky because the real him has a personality. So I'm willing to believe that he was directed to act like a slab… but it was hard for the audience to much care about a slab.

People laughed at the magical glowing orb ceremony, but it worked.

I think this is really unfair to RBG—she should be focused on her job on the Court, not responsible for predicting that Republicans would start taking Supreme Court nominations hostage if they held the Senate. It was not the duty of all liberal justices to resign the moment O took office so he and a Dem senate could

If they can hold on until 2018, Dems need to flip the Senate. A tall order, but one they have pulled off in the past: The reason all these red seats with blue senators are up in 2018 is 2006, when a "hem in Bush" wave election gave Dems the congress.

WaPo had a story summing up the Russia Interferes With Our Election thread of "The Russia Thing" which can basically be summarized as "It was egregious (while also often being stuff I can totally see the US doing in other countries) but Obama thought that proving they couldn't flip the election would be the best

The problem for GOP strategists is that both not passing anything despite their total control of the government, and passing a bag of trash, are likely to lead to a Dem wave in 2018. (Plus Trump remaining in office but doing terribly, which: he doesn't seem inclined to help them out by becoming more competent.)

Wait, is the conventional wisdom that every member of the senate who doesn't vote to gut health care will be driven out for that vote? Because this bill is substantially less popular than Trump, and that's a low bar.

I so did not call Teen Vogue becoming the voice of the opposition.

That also introduced Paul as blank ruthless mercenary, which was always more convincing than his various stabs at devoted boyfriend.

There's a bit of groundwork here for Kira to be not on Team Rachel, but on her own Team of Annoyed Little Girls.

I think there were five—final season Bobby makes a joke about it, where all the Bobbies in his class have been numbered and he's five.

Had Frontenac wanted to turn Alison into a heat-seeking missile of justice aimed right at Rachel, he asked the right question.

And you know Rachel would have sighed slightly and added her to the bodies to be discretely disposed of.

Seconding. And it's very rare for me to say that about a show, but for Orphan Black everything about the story really rests on the evolving nuances of a bunch of relationships slowly built over the other seasons. Things that make sense and are immensely satisfying if you know the past journey of the characters

Yeah, I absolutely thought a piercing.

When it first came up, it was explained that this is a very bad idea from a cost and practical energy production point of view. So of course they are doubling down on the solar wall.

One of the weirdest aspects of this presidency is that if someone maintains passionately that Trump lies, he constantly lies, you can't believe anything he says… that person is a Trump supporter, trying to explain why stuff he said can be dismissed.

One of my favorite details of this is that it sounds like Comey decided to go to the press about the details of the meeting when Trump made his tapes threat. Reasoning "Holey moley, it's not just my word against his, there are tapes! All I need to do is get them subpoenaed!"

You've got it backward: wood is better. Plastic is far more likely to harbor bacteria even through cleaning.