Cinnamon Owl

There's a reason Sanders didn't run on his long record of bills ushered through the Senate.

I really would be on board with many of the policy goals of this progressive revolution, if they could just demonstrate an ability to elect people to actual elective office at all levels so they would have a way to enact these policies. So far they are dismally failing at that.

But we have to make things worse so the Bernie-bros will all be swept to power in the revolution!

Sadly this is a human thing—if we hear something over and over we think it's true. Politician- and scam-artist-level liars know this.

Nebraska also filled the important role of answering "What if you were a state similar to Kansas but without their tea party budget—how would your economy compare?" And the answer was "About the same, a bit better in spots. That crazy school slashing budget did absolutely nothing that couldn't be accomplished as well

It's worth pointing out in these fora that most of the tax cut goes to blue states. Of the top 10, only North Dakota is red. Top 15, Texas gets in there too—the other 13 are places like NY, NJ, CT.

Have they never watched a movie? That never works!

Season 4 would be seriously improved for me if Liv doesn't go wacky on brains.

Thinking about the show, I realized anew that Major got into this merely because he cared that the homeless runaway kids in Seattle were vanishing, and wasn't willing to take "they probably all just moved" as an answer. That he was once engaged to Liv who became a zombie was completely coincidental.

I need to rewatch the end of last season, but this is landing like they got themselves halfway through the S4 finale, got an extension, and suddenly we're stumbling sideways into a new stasis to launch S5.

And Rachel's direct subordinates murder them.

Most of the minor characters on this show get little development beyond what they need to hit their plot points, but she was an exception.

I did! I have problems with Blaine—I think he should have been established as way less murdery and torturey back in S1—but really wondered what he was getting up to over with HIS version of a zombie apocalypse. And with Boss. And our rebellious oompah loompah, and Don E, and zombie dad….

That is brains. Or at least, on the show has been explicitly labeled as a melange of brains, with too little of any one brain to trigger visions. (Barring zombie kid, which… sigh, would be nice if the continuity fairy is in there somewhere and an aside in the finale will lay it out.)

The amount of control the brains have over Liv is a mess. She's been taken over this season to a cringeworthy extent (sock puppet preschool teacher, especially). They seemed to be retconning that with her deliberately hiding in the visions to avoid Drake's death. Which… okay, was Drake mentioned at all until that

But how would that be good? If everyone becomes a zombie this week, all the zombies starve to death next week due to lack of human brains.

I guess the doe-eyed thing worked on previous sources? "Oh I'm sorta bad to have not told you I was a reporter and intended to publish all this stuff you thought you were confiding in a friend, but I just have five more questions… I'm batting my eyelashes, why isn't it working?"

When it feels like that's the point of the secondary characters it's dull and annoying, no matter what emotional response the primary character is trying to sell.

Me too. And that the CDC coming to question Zombie Kid about this other outbreak caused FG to jump prematurely into murdering her.

I'm glad someone else thought that was all obvious. The first time I kinda hoped that there was some sort of interesting vision trigger somewhere in the bar and that's what was happening, but when she went along with the first douchey guy rather than instantly shoot him down, "Katty picks up guys in bars" seemed to be