Cinnamon Owl

I'm hoping it will turn out she updated her will and left everything to Major. The last thing any of us expect is that Major goes off to eat gelato and nobly rescue people in Europe.

I feel like that was a real loss between S2 and 3—the barback even pointed out that they are the oompa loompas. Why do Blaine's zombie hookers not shoot him in the head and take their shot at running the business a la Don E?

Passionate about life, a dedicated photographer, someone who chose sex work (choosing her own clients, setting and enforcing her own boundaries) and was devastated when Blaine took that choice and freedom away from her and made her his sex puppet, someone who intended to see the world if she was freed and then

I think the show did the best job with Lowell because, weirdly, it wasn't as much of an emotional bond? As he noted, what they had in common was being zombies and they probably wouldn't have been into each other without that. Maybe it's just that his story about not being able to perform anymore, only do studio

This is not a moment in history when people are voting on things other than "left" and "right." However abstract anyone wants to get about abandoning categories.

You're performing subtraction, and math is a liberal construct.

Except the tax cut is mostly going to blue states—of the top 10 paying the Medicare surcharge, only North Dakota is red.

I'm holding out for it eventually limping out of Congress and Trump will veto it because it's "mean" and he's mad at Congress for not defending him enough.

I'm developing a lot of sympathy with Nate Silver's rants about how performing subtraction is so hard, so the story keeps being "Who won the Republican +20/30 seat? A Republican by 7? That means everything is great."

So, the contest no one was looking at because it's a Republican +20 lean and there was no shot has a smaller margin than the one everyone was watching as a nail biter.

I like the idea that she might be like the Jesuses—this is a version that came to America, but there might be diverse versions of her that were created by other believers.

I love her (agreeing with Ham that she's a great character without being a nice or sympathetic person) and would argue she sneakily became the protagonist. Or one of them. For the back half of the season, Shadow is being jerked along in Wednesday's wake while Laura is actively inconveniencing the gods and their plans.

Our kitten was sick. But the blood test finally came back with a specific tick-borne illness and the meds worked and she came home from the vet and this weekend she finally felt up to forming a thundering horde with the other kitten, so we know she's feeling herself again.

But this isn't like gutting mining regulations—people notice what you do to their health insurance. Especially AARP members.

This. Republicans pulled out single digit wins in deep red Kansas and Montana, after some sweating. Those were supposed to be R+30 and R+20 seats, not +7. In a normal year, Georgia wouldn't be close. The strategy news is districts moving roughly 15 points toward the Democrats, even though it is weirdly being framed as

I thought Sarah's choice was wildly ooc, and so was MK's. (Even Ferdinand—he can present to Rachel this trove of information as a peace offering, he can try to get the location of his $3.5 million form her… or, yeah, he could have a tantrum and murder her and lose all that.)

I liked it a lot more when it seemed Kira might just be a very observant child. (Especially because that is in character for children of addicts—you don't know what Mommy and her current boyfriend are going to be like hour to hour, and you get very good at watching for clues as you maneuver around the burbling

But… shouldn't Sarah be able to say "No, you can't experiment on my daughter? She's a little girl, not a science experiment for your profit." And have that be accepted, rather than threatening to illegally imprison Sarah and do it anyhow? And following Kira around with guns just never come up, because that's not how

I thought Anubis stated that he was compelled because the gods were involved in her death.

Fridged, from TV Tropes: (to describe) any character who is targeted by an antagonist who has them killed off, abused, raped, incapacitated, de-powered, or brainwashed for the sole purpose of affecting another character, motivating them to take action.