Cinnamon Owl

It seemed really out of character for S. Granted they didn't have a chance to ask Kira what she wanted, and as she gets older she should get a choice (though she's only like about 8 or 9 now). But why is S assuming that Rachel—the woman who stomped Kira's bone marrow in a rage—is going to prove reliable past the

I kept waiting for something to explode.

I love the Museum of Modern Art and the Natural History Museum, should your nerdiness run those ways.

A ridiculous number of men who prosecuted Clinton on Lewinski were cheating on their wives at the time. In at least one case, with underage boys.

The Democrats do seem to be trying to get out the word on the Secret Health Care bill. The problem seems to lie with the press, which cuts away when they try to talk about a bill no one can even see, so how exciting is that?

…. you know, I've been saying Brooklyn 99 is well set up for next season to be a Suicide-Squad-esque band of misfits battling evil through the power of Captain Holt's gravitas and some one liners.

They have been promising to "repeal Obamacare" with an implicit "and then do the thing you want." For which people could fill in everything from "get the government completely out of health care" to "put in place Trump's comprehensive plan that covers everyone at tremendous cost savings." The problem is that this bill

EW had some terrible commenting system for a while—one that made Disqus look adorable—and they accompanied the rollout with many 'Genuine' 'People' commenting how this wonderful new system had transformed their life for the better.

I hope in the midterms young people take note of Britain. Their election results have a lot to do with young people going to the polls in numbers that rivaled old people.

It's a fair point every time someone brings up "the Sanders wing of the Democratic Party." He's too pure to be in the party, and there is a real dearth of other people who are both pure enough to qualify and broadly appealing enough to actually hold elective office.

One of the more insightful things I read during the election was a comment from an old leftie who identified with that corner of the party, but was also old enough to have observed that incremental change can actually work over the long haul. And that refusing to vote for anyone who wasn't pure enough means you have

When our dog caught a squirrel (while on leash—very overconfident squirrel) she carried it back around the tree and showed my husband that something had gone wrong, she had caught the red dot, and he told her to put it down, and it ran off muttering.

538 keeps pointing this out—where is the bill's constituency? Where are the group of people who will be all "YES I am totally re-electing you based on how incredibly awesome this bill is!"? A lot of lawmaking is boring and obscure and doesn't immediately, viscerally affect most people and so you can slide a lot

I don't do FB, but my impression is that actually managing your privacy settings perfectly is pretty rare, and it's not unusual to have several hundred 'friends' most of whom you have never met.

I've heard it's Elvis.

One that's been haunting me, from the oldest of the three sisters, is along the lines of 'When you have to buckle down to survive, the people you do it with—even if you don't like them—are your family.' It's a harsher twist on home being where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in, and a resonant way to

The logical endpoint here is going to be that everything Trump says or tweets is classified, so the public and press can't 'leak' by discussing it. Unless it was already classified, in which case he is just unclassifying it as president.

Yeah. I really loved that Boss was like "I don't monologue, I just efficiently shoot people" to which Blaine replied "Yeah, efficient shooting doesn't work on me. And I am going to monologue! Wait, I need to get the right voice…"

Gotta bone up on zombie lore and figure out the headshot thing.

Major: "Do NOT post that video."
Shauna: "Too late!"
two days later: "What, you posted that video?!!!"