Cinnamon Owl

When you want all the whiskey?

I don't like the twist that FG killed the family, as the only reason seems to be to draw in Clive. Did boss lady go back from the Max Rager party to skim through the files and look for some Clive-related zombies on payroll whom she could then ruthlessly murder? (And how would that connection even have shown up?)

I really like Don E as a story teller. It's a nice character beat.

She told him she was posting this stuff! Did he just not register any of the selfies and videos he posed for because there was no blood going to his brain for any of them?

Can he bring Peyton?

One thing I really liked at the end of the ep was showing Major relaxed and totally one of the guys at the funeral. He was a football player, and I think that background really vibes with the comrade in arms team-bonding thing.

I really wish they had written Blaine as morally grey—a somewhat ruthless drug dealer low in Boss's org with the occasional noble urge—rather than as an unrepentent serial killer of runaway teenagers.

I think Rubio figures Trump goes down to a Dem in 2020, and in 2024 Rubio—newly able to not recite catch phrases—manages to thread the Scylla-Charibys of holding him accountable but not knifing him in the back.

Has anyone praised the cabinet meeting? Like, did Brietbart say "great to see everyone working so hard"?

It's weird because no one can point to the group of people who LOVE this bill. They don't have to be 50% of the population, but for a change like this you need a group who love it and then enough people who are "eh, it's meh" to get up around tie levels. No one loves this bill, and enough people who would be 'eh'

Words cannot convey my loathing for "this candidate agrees with me 70% of the time and this other candidate 5%. Since neither of those are 100, there's no difference between the two."

You know what would actually work for Trump? Generate praise across the news media, yank his poll numbers up, even draw Democrats in?

I realize we have a lot of examples of this, but "it is all the fault of the wily Democrats" is such a weird pandering to his 20% base, ignoring how stupid it sounds to all the more middling people. You don't need to have a deep understanding of policy or the ins and outs of the budget to work out control of

Given all his genius moves with Comey, it is incredibly easy to believe that he thinks threatening to fire Mueller will control him. It's got to work one of these times….

*clears throat* On the president's orders, it was dropped. Mueller is actually now only looking into the question "How super awesome is the president?"

Trump started his Obama wiretapping tap dance spectacular right when a bunch of people around Flynn and Sessions realized that there was tape of the Russian ambassador et al and they had better walk back their previous statements about what things they had never discussed with him.

How deep does your bubble need to be to not realize that if this is your propaganda video of your government hard at work ("The President is superb" "We are blessed to serve him" "He's super") it's going to backfire spectacularly?

It's four dimensional chess to make opponents of the travel ban tired of winning so much.

I cautiously hope that those are to give him cover so that when he doesn't, he looks statesmanlike.

Maybe they figure Trump needs to be hemmed in on Russia options to minimize the chance that he does something spectacularly lapdoggish they then have to defend.