Cinnamon Owl

Can the hackers steal the money? I imagine that would get a reaction from Hawkins.

You're mixing patriarchs. Drunk Noah got laughed at by his son.

Listening to NPR on this at the moment: California alone has 10 times as many clean energy jobs as the entire nation has coal miners.

Maybe she's a serial kidnapper too.

Yeah, on the one hand you don't need to get the actor for the ep. On the other hand, it is awfully cavalier of Blaine to assume none of his many enemies or subordinates will follow him to the well and effect a rescue.

This has the makings of a great finale. Everyone can pull their weapon of choice and whip out a badge.
"Chicago Tribune!"

Both architecturally, and when they questioned Zoe you would think she might have eventually thought to mention "Hey I wonder if it wasn't someone mad about our D&D game, but instead something to do with the giant secret cave of server power?"

I agree, and you need a big pile of ready money to ride out the inevitable down turns. But if you're affording a nice apartment and $10,000 collector's items while having the time to be really into D&D and really into hacking nuclear power plants, probably you are not doing poker enoughl to give you $10,000 trinket

Yeah, but do you break into Russian nuclear power plants as a sideline? Being really indecisive doesn't seem to go with that side of dead guy's personality.

Zombie hookers:
A well-done grace note of S2 was Natalie, who was happy being a call girl when she was in control of her life, but miserable when she was zombified and forced to service whiny rich zombies when Blaine ordered. It was a nuanced look at the idea of sex slavery.

White House staff: Chill out. We get along really well with Germany.
Trump grabs twitter: Do not.

Credit Blaine with this—he knew not to experiment on himself.

They've been erratic—like they want to show that being a zombie is unpleasant and so Liv wants a cure, but then the show is fun so that gets lost.

Clive already has enough pain in his life. I don't think he could take S2 Flash on top of Bozzio.

That actually followed nicely, because it's hard to make a living as an online poker player now—we're past the point where a bunch of whales flooded in to lose money in quantities sufficient to let people do it as a full-time job. So that being his cover job while hacking was his real money maker would work.

This felt like a less aggravating version of preschool teacher baby talk brain. The D&Ders I know don't carry around dice to decide if they will now walk into the next room. The former brain could have worked really well if they leaned into the easy to talk to side, and this one if they leaned into the narrative in a

I mean, Brangelina died on the quest. Her instincts were sound.

Chase's introduction takes place at their wake.

Ehhhh… Hopeful that they don't go the way of preschool teacher brain, where the dead person didn't make D&D overlays to every second of his life, but Liv does that.

Hey, compared to a marriage encounter weekend….