Cinnamon Owl

I was comparing this to frat boy brain (early season 2) where the inappropriateness was that she would see where frat boy had found something really fun without the larger 'someone would be hurt' context. Rather than staple her face.

Perhaps that I've come here from watching iZombie, this week about a group of guys who spend their time doing really stupid stuff that could maim or kill them—but any contract that rests on the sound judgment of the person who thinks it would be fun to almost kill you is going to look dubious.

I mean, I assume if you got together with your wife while she was cheating on Slavibastart, you would remember that. But maybe his best friend in kindergarten was named Slavibastart and the one his wife briefly dated barely registered.

If no one asked "How can I avoid the easily-predictable consequences of this action?" advice columns would be empty.

I don't like the Zombify the 0.01% at the Top Plan.

Oh yeah.

I liked that the woman in the house could spend the entire time thinking "Man, I was so right to dump this idiot… still right…. wow super right… right to the max…. and… yeah, saw that coming. Hubby sweetie, SO glad I found you, you are the best."

If Ravi would say something about the increasing total control granted to the snack of the week, it would really help. Give a feel of rising stakes AND return to the important idea that, oh yeah, being a zombie sucks in many ways and people would want to not be zombies.

This plays into a problem I have with the preying-on-the-rich-and-powerful zombie wealth generation plan—it would be hard for these people to keep up their lives on the brains of random people. So they should be pissed at being made zombies (plus all the other reasons) and put a bullet in the head of the person who

If he plans to take over his dad's business expansion plans, I'm ruling out not-full-evil.

I love Blaine, but they've made him far too evil for the regular "we'll cooperate with Blaine, but to show our distaste make some snarky comments" turns.

There's a nice parallel between Vivian and the various Blaine-side baddies—they efficiently set up this plan, then someone else comes in at the top. I really liked Vivian… meaning that it works, plotwise, that the scheme that was okay with her at the top looks a lot worse with Chase at the top.

I'll believe in the progressive revolution when they start electing the far left to a slew of local offices. So far those are too boring and no actual human is pure enough, so there's just a bunch of loud typing.

Note of caution—Jared and Ivanka are customers at Mueller's old law firm, though he didn't work with them. This is normally a technical conflict; was waived by Rosenstein as expected; was reportedly looked into by Trump's team as a way to say "Okay, but he can't investigate anything touching Jared" which is looking

I admit it: I don't get the pile on for "So amazing" in a guest book. Kind of like I didn't get the pile on for liking his steak well done or eating chocolate cake.

I was impressed that Trump barely had started lying about the size of the inauguration crowd when Mike "Backup Plan" Pence was dragged into Flynn's mess.

You only get immunity if you deliver someone higher up on a platter. And there is only one person higher up. (Okay, two if we count Pence.)

… I could totally see Putin telling them both that.

538 records their weekly podcast Mondays around 12, and posts it between 5 and 6. This week they opened with an apology for not covering whatever new Trump thing broke around that time, because something always does.

I'm confident Pence would not nuke Iowa because Putin told him it would be manly. That's a low bar, but it's the bar we've set.