Cinnamon Owl

This is supposed to be what the Saudis like—sure, his stated Syria policy throughout the campaign was counter to theirs, but his actual Syria policy when in office works for them.

And with the demonstration of what Trump believes will be an effective cover-up, I can't wait to see what he devises as an effective cover-up of the cover-up.

One of the more bemusing developments has been former Trump staff trying to explain him. See, he doesn't grasp anything. He doesn't understand how things he says or does will be interpreted. But rather than be reasons to 25th amendment him right out of there, those are reasons to let him just do whatever and not

That really bothered me. The entire POINT of a puncture strip is that it makes the car hard to drive. Ergo if you stop the truck with a puncture strip the truck should be nigh undriveable. If you force it because the alternative is death, then loud as hell, bouncing all over, not very fast or maneuverable.

My kids' great preschool teachers were easy to talk to for toddlers through grandparents. That trait could have played well into interrogation.

This is why I think the 25th amendment is more likely than impeachment.

That's why I'm surprised there isn't more enthusiasm for 25th amendmenting Trump out of there. (You can pass that one off as "in sorrow rather than malice.") The longer they wait, the better the chance stuff sticks to Pence and doesn't come off.

I'm going with the useful idiot theory. Which doesn't mean he isn't dumber than even Russia was counting on.

Vox suggests the "laughing because reality has gotten so weird" variation. Other comments on the tape are laughed at in this manner.

You would think they would have learned about tapes by now, but no, both were like "I deny that ever happened" until WaPo told them it was on tape. Then, suddenly, it happened.

On TAR I'm all about READ THE DIRECTIONS. THEN READ THEM AGAIN. But Survivor has never been about making sure you read the fine print.

Cirie did instantly appeal to Michaela to convince Sarah that Cirie wasn't trying to take Sarah out. Maybe that tipped everyone to what had been pretty down low until then.

I liked the confidence she radiated on that brain, and on this one she could have radiated gentleness, like some of my kids' best early teachers.

They touched on the listening skills that made him a great seducer on Liv's date (which was so subtle I realized only after coming here). That would have been a more interesting way to go with the interrogations than Liv putting adults in time out and putting her hands on her head.

And the iffily-motivated dominatrix murderer turned out to be the opening of an important plot thread, so who knows where this might lead?

I'm one of the few who was okay with resetting Blaine via amnesia—how do you atone for things you cannot remember, that were done by a version of you that has died? (In the 'buried in a shallow grave after your throat was slit' sense, even.) So I'm not pleased with the restored memory turn.

Also Filmore Graves seems to specialize in hostage rescue. And Major has one hell of a savior complex.

I recently rewatched the pilot, and there's a scene at the end where she goes around replacing all the red things she stole while on klepto-brain. She's still on that brain, but realizes it was controlling her in a way she didn't like. In S2 and 3 there was more just going with the obnoxiousness of a brain with no

So am I the only one who cringed through this brain, not in the fun way?

They've done muscle memory before, for the troll's passwords and gang member's fighting skills.