Cinnamon Owl

Yes to Old Montreal. Skip the Science Center. (Our family loves science museums, and this one was limited and repetitious.) I wish we had gone to the Pointe-a-Calliere Museum instead, which is nearby and about the archaeology of the city.

I was impressed that after all his early defenses of secretly using dating apps when allegedly monogamous is fine, he admitted that having a constant way to contact someone was pretty different from ye olden tymes, when you might flirt briefly with someone you didn't have a way to see again.

The most traumatized I've ever been by Savage Love is when I looked up what "sounding" was.

That's why I was intrigued that before Trump even took office, Flynn was dragging Pence into his Russia mess.

Huh. I did NOT see Jared as the next one to go under the bus.

For some reason I'm hoping for Sun. I just see Felix responding instinctively to her take charge terminatorness.

One of my favorite moments of the season was Will's "Manhunts are expensive; I knew if I kept him at it long enough upper management would get pissed and involved." It's such a lovely plan because it just rests on knowing how the relevant bureaucracy functions.

Yup, this is what I figured in Season 1—there are lots of clusters, but this is the one with the luck of the draw for the spectacular skill set that will bring down BPO.

Her arc has been very constrained by being in prison, largely working as an on-demand badass. I'd really like it if in Season 3 they use her finance skills as well. And generally give her real-life stuff to do other than be in prison or hiding from a manhunt—probably the police aren't looking in Paris.

When she spared him, she had the glimmer of a chance to come out of this with her name cleared, her brother jailed for his crimes, and a new life. If she murdered him in front of a bunch of cops—and stabbing someone crawling away from you is never going to read as self-defense—that was forever closed off. "Arrest all

I've wanted Sun the ninja business woman who understands the ins and outs of high finance to have something to do, and this could play out in S3.

I also loved this season, and was mostly happy with the finale.

Dani bounces and claps.

The passport said Sun Bae, not Bak. So yeah, a fake.

Angelica is becoming less and less interesting as a character as her arc seems to narrow down to constantly apologizing. You know what's really not helpful, Angelica? A dead ghost telling you it's sorry, over and over. Give people something actionable, or hush.

…. Netanyahu REALLY doesn't understand Trump if he thinks that.

I would prefer business as usual. There is a lot to be said for the boringness of a sane opposition.

I think it's highly implausible, yet given the pace of self-inflicted wounds over this week I would totally not put it past Trump to add a bunch more.

So far it's been a heck of a second 100 days.

I just clicked over. Weirdly, the top batch of stories are universally about the Democrats. The Dems are planning a 50 state strategy. Dems mess up election in Omaha. Sanders ally running for something. Another Sanders ally running for something! DNC chair on humans not being illegal. DNC chair attacks Trump. Dems