Cinnamon Owl

Dems could run Buffet, and he would be accused of being a community organizer by right wingers.

Also, states are not gerrymandered. You have to appeal to a somewhat randomized section of the population.

Obama needed a different Congress to pass single payer. Liberals did not deliver him that Congress.

Let's recall that he has slashed the budget of the department in charge of tackling opioids by 95%.

I'm stealing this from an alternate history book, but: Carter's operation to rescue the Iranian hostages succeeds, he wins reelection against—I think the Republicans put up some B-movie actor that year?—and then in his second term he focuses on world peace and the environment.

I really think "I voted for that mess, but only because they promised me it had no chance of getting through the Senate!!!!" is not going to be the winner with independents that they seem to be counting on. Yeah, the base likes carefully pointless performance art, but it's not popular outside that 30-odd%.

Production forces them to. Like last season, they had to keep talking about the bone-deep differences between 30 year olds and 35 year olds.

That's why last season I really liked Natalie, who was presented as someone with whom the audience could empathize.

People seem to be missing the idol clues on rewards. (I think one was shown with the shower stuff last week.) Which is weird to me—shouldn't you be combing through everything on rewards for these oft-found clues?

It's a plot I'm usually* only okay with if it's real and permanent, and so the character development is truly going in a new direction. (Sort of like bringing in Don E as Scott E's identical twin brother.) Dollhouse did an interesting take on the idea of identity using this. On Nikita, 'Michael loses his hand' had the

I gather it's very regional. That you just have to work out which app in your city is for dating interest and which is for immediate sex.

Yeah. I like Don E, but the entire plot with Blaine's Evil Dad and the bar and the bad guys making new extortion-victim zombies willy nilly all over Seattle while the good guys fail to notice is feeling a bit reductive to me. It's very much a retread of a plot that worked in S1, but doesn't work as an ongoing conflict

I really, really hope we go somewhere like this, rather than magically restoring Evil Blaine Whom We Work With But Snarkily.

Why not put in frosted glass?

I think we're going for C, which feels cheap and lazy as storytelling, so I really hope I'm wrong.


I thought that kinda worked in that it really felt like they were rocking out the Utopium induced music in their heads.

I love Peyton being a regular as a friend to Liv who can occasionally pull in a prosecutor's office plot. (For example, I really liked her forcefully removing Major from jail in S1—that was a nice bit of character building outside of 'Liv chills with roomie'.) The Blaine romance is an awful idea on its own, and also

I liked Ravi telling her that she was already really bossy, so probably he wouldn't notice a difference.

I hope the memory enhancement is its own thing, because I really don't want Blaine to be faking. In that I think we then go right back to "Yeah, murdering a bunch of people, extorting others… but SO adorable so we'll team up with him" that I think was a real problem with season two. (Interacting with someone via